LABOUR Flashcards
When is prolonged labour diagnosed ? (failure to progress)
cervical dilatation is <2cm in 4 hrs
what is the first stage of labour divided into ?
early latent phase and active phase
describe the early latent phase and the active phase of labour
early latent - cervix effaced, shortens and dilates to 4cm
active phase - cervix dilates from 4cm to full dilatation (10cm)
what is the second stage of labour
full dilation to delivery
what is stage 3 of labour? how long after stage 2 does it occur
time between delivery of foetus and delivery of placenta around 5-10 mins up till 30 is norm .
what is the second stag of labour divided into and describe
passive second stage - full dilation prior to or in absence of persistent contractions
active second stage - baby visible , or persistent contractions
when is a delay in 2nd stage of labour ( active part) diagnosed in nulliparous women and multiparous women. what should you do in a diagnosis of delayed 2nd stage
nulliparous - after 2 hrs of active second stage
multiparous - after 1 hr of active second stage
refer in both cases
NB: epidural adds an hour onto each
what are the two different ways of managing the 3rd stage of labour
physiological and active management
when is the cord clamped in physiological management of stage 3 of labour
after pulsations ceased
when would changing from a physiological to active management of stage 3 of labour be indicated ?
excessive bleeding or haemorrhage occurs, failure to deliver placenta in an hour, patient desire
after how many hours is a rupture of membranes termed a pre-labour rupture of membranes (PROM) if no contractions
4 hours
what are the 7 cardinal movements of labour
- engagement
- descent
- flexion
- int. rotation
- extension
- ext. rotation (restitution)
- expulsion
why might failure to progress occur?
Powers ( inadequate contractions)
Passages ( trauma, shape)
Passenger ( big baby, malposition)
indications for outlet forceps (wrigleys)
foetal scalp visible without seperating labia, sagittal suture in AP diameter or right/left occiput anterior
indications for mid cavity /low cavity forceps (neville barnes, andersons, simpsons
foetal head 1/5th palpable abdominally, leading point of skull above station +2 but not above ischial spine
rotation of 45 degrees or less
indications for rotational forceps (kiellands)
in theatre with effective analgesia
soft puffy swelling that looks bruised and crosses suture lines. present at birth
caput succedaneum
firm swelling with distinct margins that doesnt cross suture lines and appears several hours after birth
crosses suture lines present at delivery caused by sevreing of emissery veins. may progress rapidly
subgaleal haemorrhage
a bishops score of greater than what is storngly predicitive of labour following induction? a score of less than what is indicitive of cervical ripening
> 6 strongly indicative of labour
<5 indicates need for cervical ripening
requirements to use forceps
F - fully dilated O - occiput ant R - ruptured membranes C - cephalic presentation E - engaged presenting part - below ischial spine P - pain relief S - spinchter empty (catheterise )
indications for operative delivery
failure to progress in stage 2
foetal distress
maternal exhaustion