Laboratory Techniques Flashcards
what is studied when considering colonial morphology?
the shape, colour, texture and size of the colony
what cell morphologies can be observed?
cocci (spherical)
vinrio (comma-shaped)
spirilllum (spiral-shaped)
what are the two fixation techniques and how do they differ?
heat fixation - gentle flame heating; preserves the overall morphology but not delicate cell structures
chemical fixation - chemicals penetrate cells to react with cellular components; preserves fine cell structure
what are the main features of dyes?
dyes have chromophore groups (conjugated double bonds) that give the dye its colour
they bind to cell components (covalent, ionic, hydrophobic bonds)
describe the staining technique developed by Paul Ehrlich
Paul Ehrlich developed the acid-fast staining technique, the action of which depends upon the high lipid content of cell walls.
- smear and hot carbol fuchsin
- wash with water
- 10 min 20% H2SO4
- wash with water
- counterstain with methylene blue
describe the staining technique developed by Christian Gram
Christian Gram developed the Gram stain, which distinguishes two classes of bacteria on the basis of their cell wall structure.
- heat fixed smear + crystal blue
- iodine/KI added to form CVI complex in the cell
- wash with solvent eg. 90% ethanol
- stop with water
- counterstain with eg. carbol fuchsin
what is the result of the acid-fast stain?
acid-fast bacteria appear bright red and are often in clumps
non-acid fast bacteria stain blue
what is the result of the Gram stain?
Gram-positive bacteria appear dark purple
Gram-negative bacteria appear pink or red