Shallow cylinder round glass; cultivate various cells an microorganisms
Petri Dish
Large glass with a pouring lip; hold and measure liquids
Ideal size glassware; storing small quantities of materials and being set over a Bunsen burner’s flame
Test tube
Widely used laboratory flask; prevents contents from spilling and allows contents to be swilred and stirred
Erlenmeyer flask
Small, narrow cylindrical shape; preferred over flasks and beakers for accurate and precise measurement
Graduated cylinder
Graduated glass tube with a tap; delivering known volumes
Flask thast as spherical bottom; chemical or biochemical work; distillation, chemical reactions, heating liquid sample, storage
Round bottom flask
Calibrated glassware; precise volume at a specific temp; precise dilutions
Volumetric flask
Used to evaporated solutions and supernatant liquid
Evaporating dish
Pastuer pipette; transfer small quantities of liquids
Spread media on a petri dish; separate an emulsion
Stirring rod
Connect other pieces of lab equipment; transferring small quantities of liquid
Glass tubing
Tube or pipe that has wide top and narrow bottom; guiding liquid into small opening
Media bottles; store chemicals in liquid or powder form
Reagent bottles
Used as a surface to evaporate liquids, hold solids while being weighted; used as a beak cover
Watch glass