It is a representative of the elasmobranch
fishes, characterized by their cartilaginous skeleton and exposed gill slits.
Class Chondrichytes (Dog Shark)
It is characterized by an ossified
skeleton and bony flap, the operculum, covering the gill slits
Class Osteichthyes
distinguished from all other living vertebrates by their dry, scaly skins
Class Reptilia
It can be distinguished by their feather covering and the modification of the
forelimbs into wings
Class Aves
The thigh, shank ankle, and foot of frogs are found in what region:
peripheral appendicular region
It can be distinguished by its mammary glands and presence of hair.
Class Mammalia
The lateral line has sensory cells:
serving as detecting water vibrations
A narrow crescent mouth is present to all vertebrates except;
Skin folds are common in lizards that can be found on:
a. Throat
b. neck sides of the trunk (mid-dorsal line)
The ear opening or drum
membrane are connected to______
which are opened by pairs of small pores in the center of the dorsal
surface of the head just back of the levels of the eyes.
endolymphatic ducts
Movements water enters through the mouth and exits through the gill slits.
First gill slit or spiracle
Lateral fins are found on:
ventral side of the trunk
Cephalochordates exhibit the following features:
a. Segmentation
b. Notochord
c. Dorsal nerve cord
The caudal fin of elasmobranches is heterocercal because it:
consisting of a large and smaller ventral lobe, with the
vertebral column bending upward into the dorsal lobe
The anterior pair is to: _
as the posterior pair is to: ____
behind the gill slits ( pectoral fins)
trunk and tail (pelvic fins)