Labels and Laws Flashcards
Section 504
Federal law that prohibits discrimination against otherwise qualified indiviuals with disabilities.
Least Restrictive Environment: LRE
LRE assures that a student with a disability will be placed in an education program to the full extent that can be accommodated in the regular education program.
Meeting to Determine Manifestation: MDM
MDM is a meeting to determine if a student’s disability is associated with his misbehavior.
Individual Education Plan: IEP
IEP is the plan for accommodating a student’s disability.
Individuals with Disability Education Act: IDEA
This act governs speciaul education programs and practices. It emphasizes student involvement in general curriculum.
Behavior Intervention Plan: BIP
A BIP is required of all special ed/504 students who have misbehaviors that may cause a student to be suspended or expelled.
Functional Behavior ASsessment: FBA
FBA comes before the BIP. Teachers/school personnel observe the student and determine reasons for the child’s behavior.
Free Appropriate Public Education: FAPE
1 of the 6 principles of law that states students are entitled to free appropriate public education, regardless of their special needs
Six Principles of the Law
1) free appropriate public education
2) appropriate evaluation
3. ) individualized education program
4. ) least restrictive environment
5. ) parent and student participation in decision making
6. ) procedural due process
Preschool Child with a Disability: PCD
PCD is a child aged 3-5 whose developmental progress is delayed to the extent that he needs special ed
Mentally Disabled: MD
Mental retardation. Adversely affects a studnet’s educational performance.
Mild: 48-70
Moderate: 25-48
Severe: 0-25
Learning Disability: LD
A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language that may manifest intself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, etc
Emotional Disability: ED
An emotional disturbance defined as a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects the student’s eduction performance
Hearing Impairment: HI
A hearing disability that adversely afects a student’s education performance but is not included under the definition of deafness.
- mishearing of letters, words, phrases
- defective speech
- inability to identify source of sounds
Visual Impairment: VI
An impairment, including blindness, that afects a student’s educational performance.
- pain from headaches, swollen eyelids
- out of the ordinary reading behaviors (frowning, excessive blinking)