Labelling theory Flashcards
What is the Social Construction of Deviance (Becker)?
Powerful groups create deviance by creating rules and applying them to particular people who they label as ‘outsiders’
- ‘Deviance is in the eye of the beholder’
- an act or person only becomes deviant once labelled
What are Moral entrepreneurs?
People who lead a moral ‘crusade’ to change the law
Two effects of Moral entrepreneurs
- The creation of a new group ‘outsiders’ - outlaws or deviants who break the new rule
- The creation or expansion of a social control agency (police, courts, probation officers) to enforce the rule and impose labels on offenders
Social Construction of Deviance A03
Marxists criticise labelling theory for failing to locate the origin of such labels in the structure of capitalism
What is Differential Enforcement?
Not everyone who commits an offence is punished for it
What did Piliavin and Briar find (Differential enforcement)?
Police decisions to arrest were based on stereotypical ideas about manner, dress, gender, class and ethnicity
Official police stats - young black males are 7 times more likely to be stopped and searched by police compared to white males
Differential Enforcement A03
Labelling theory gives the criminal a victim status as it argues that a person is arrested because the police are judging them as a typical criminal - ignores real victims
What is Typifications (Negotiation of Justice) (Cicourel)?
police use typifications of the ‘typical deviant’ - individuals fitting the typifications are more likely to be stopped, arrested and charged
Define typifications
How do typifications affect different groups in different ways?
Working class and ethnic minority juveniles are more likely to be arrested - after they are more likely to be seen as dangerous or in need of more serious punishment
Middle class juveniles are less likely to fit the typification and have parents who can negotiate justice on their behalf - cultural capital or connections to lawyers
What did Cicourel spend 4 years doing?
Using participant observation, he studied the interactions between the police and those who were arrested.
Shouldn’t use stats as facts as they are the product of differential enforcement
What does Lemert argue about the effects of labelling?
Labelling certain people as deviant encourages them to commit more crime and deviance - societal reaction causes ‘secondary deviance’
What is primary deviance?
Deviant acts that have not been publicly labelled - fare dodging, shoplifting, driving 32mph in a 30mph
People do not see themselves as deviant
What is secondary deviance?
When someone has been publicly caught for their crimes - increase in criminal activity
Results from a societal reaction - them being labelled can then become a master status or controlling identity - becomes an outsider
Effects of labelling A03
Ignores free will to reject the label - SFP doesn’t always occur