Lab Week 4 - Joints/Stress-Strain Curves/TROM Flashcards
What is the difference between stress relaxation and CREEP?
Constant force = CREEP
Constant deformation = stress relaxation
See NDC p.4-6 for examples
What is goniometry?
Method of measuring joint range of motion (ROM).
Describe the goniometer.
- consists of
- size
- what can be measure?
Consists of a protractor, 2 arms and an axis.
The size of a goniometer can vary depending on the joint that is being measured.
Active ROM and passive ROM
See NDC p.8 for illustration
What are we looking at when looking at active range of motion?
Requires muscles activation.
Gives insight on muscle activation and ligament gliding.
What are we looking at when looking at passive range of motion?
Requires pushing the joint through the arc of motion.
Gives insight regarding viscous and elastic changes in joints and soft tissues.
What are the problem with PROM measurement?
How can we address this problem?
Include poor reliability since consistent force application is difficult.
Torque goniometry helps to solve the problems we find with PROM measurement.
What is torque?
Torque = Applied Force x Moment Arm
Moment arm: perpendicular distance from joint axis
What is the function of Torque Range of Motion (TROM)?
Why is better than passive ROM (PROM)?
Allows measurement of ROM with a specific applied force at a specific distance.
More objective way to measure joint stiffness.
How can visualize the results of Torque Range of Motion (TROM)?
With torque-ROM curves.
Values from measuring ROM at known levels of applied force which is applied at a known distance can be displayed in a graph.
See NDC p.12-13 for graph examples
See NDC p.14 for the graph.
What type of end-feel is seen in the elbow joint?
Hard end-feel.
Because with increase force, there is no change in the angle.