Lab Values / Clinical Chem Sem 1 Flashcards
What are the normal values of K+ ?
3.5 to 5.0 mmol/L
What are the normal values for Na+ ?
136 to 145 mmol/L
What are the normal values of Cl- ?
98 to 106 mmol/L
What are the normal values of iCa++ ?
1.1 to 1.3 mmol/L
Arterial pH normal values ?
7.35 to 7.45
Arterial PaCO2 normal values ?
35 to 45 mmHg
Normal arterial values for HCO3- ?
21 to 28 mmol/L
Normal values of PaO2 ?
80 to 100 mmHg
Normal Rage for Base Excess ?
0+ to -2 mmol/L
What is the normal values for Creatinine ?
Male : 25-90 U/L
Female : 10 - 70 U/L
What are the critical values for BE ? And what do they mean ?
-3 or +3
-3 or more negative = lack of base (HCO3) = metabolic acidosis
+3 or more positive = excess of base (HCO3) = metabolic alkalosis
What is the normal range of Anion Gap ?
3 - 11
What value is considered an elevated Anion Gap ? What does it mean ? What is it typically caused by ?
HIGH > 12
Indicative of Metabolic Acidosis
Mostly due to increase in Organic Acids (Lactic , Keto, Formic, Oxalic)
How do you calculate Anion Gap ?
[Na+] + [K+] minus [Cl-] + [HCO3]
Often you drop the K in the equation, minimal impact ?
Explain Hyperchloremic Acidosis .
HYPERChloremic Metabolic Acidosis is a Normal Anion Gap (3-11) Metabolic Acidosis due to HCO3 loss.
Caused by extra loss of HCO3, ie diarrhea, renal……the body retains more Cl- to balance charges
(Sometime it’s due to addition of Cl- (fluids), which dilutes the HCO3 and can precipitate loss of HCO3 renally)
(**connected in concept to Base Excess, a -ve BE (-3 or lower) is indicative of low HCO3 and identifies metabolic acidosis)
14 y/o M, unresponsive at home. Presents hypotensive, tachycardic and tachypneic with GCS 10. Labs as follows:
Na 127 K 5.2 Cl 87 BUN 32 CREAT 150 BG 32
pH 6.92 , pCO2 9 , pO2 venous =55, HCO3 - 2, Lactate 3.4
Based on above, what is your workable Dx and Tx concerns and approach?
This is a classic case of Diabetic Keto Acidosis.
Findings: - Acidosis (pH very low, pCO2 also very low, and HCO3 also very low) - - - EXTREME ACIDOSIS (with not much room
to fix itself) - - - how do we know if it is RESP / MET - - - which component is more acidic than normal - - HC03, therefore
EXTREME PARTIALLY COMPENSATED METABOLIC ACIDOSIS - low pH, low HCO3 and low CO2 (compensation, but pH still low, so partial)
- Sugar = 32 - very high
- decreased LOA and elevated RR fit clinical picture
- K high (slight 5.2 > 5.0, critical > 6.5) - - - (K shifts inside cell with insulin treatment, so if giving insulin, might need to add K)
- Na low (< 136) secondary to polyuria
- ANION GAP = 127 + 5.2 minus 87 + 2 = 43.2 (way higher than normal 3-11) - - -indicates a lot of organic acids - aside from Ketoacids, our lactate shows extra Lactic Acid too! >2.2 normal sitting at 3.4 - does he also have an infection that triggered all this ? fever ? - - - he was hypotensive and Sepsis as well - RSI / ETT / VENT would likely decrease his TV (tube diameter) - - - - try NOT to INTUBATE these patients, could kill them by decreasing one of their compensatory mechanism - Tx - HCO3, Insulin, K, Pressors/Fluid
76 M, found decr LOA at home by neighbors. Presents tachypneic and GCS 11. Labs as follows:
NA 135 , K 7.3 , Cl 104 , iCa 0.87 , Creat - 2076
pH 6.92 , pCO2 16 , pO2 102 , HCO3- 3, Lactate 1.2
What is your working Dx, Tx considerations and approach ?
EXTREME METABOLIC ACIDOSIS, partially compensated - - very low pH, very low HCO3, very low pCO2 (CO2 compensated but still pH low)
- HYPERKALEMIA (7.3), crit is > 6.5 - - - - anticipate ECG Changes, Peaked T, flattening P
- iCa is low (0.87 )…normal is 1.1-1.3
Treatment : ISOTONIC HCO3 (3 amps in 1 L bag, run 50 mEq/hr)
Just pushing quick AMPS, might make acidosis worse : HCO3 + H - - - H2CO3 - - - > H20 + CO2 by raising CO2
Calcium Gluconate ? (wasn’t mentioned in Lab, but iCa low, and Hyperkalemic - – seems reasonable
37 F, presents to ED with distributive shock and intermittent seizure. Pt appears jaundice and has a distended abdo. LAB as follows:
Na 122 , K 1.9 , Cl 101, BG 2.3 , ALT 1256 , AST 2654
pH 7.13 , pCO2 19, HCO3 11, Lactate 14
What is your working Dx, Tx concerns and approach ?
EXTREME METABOLIC ACIDOSIS, partially compensated. pH Low, HCO3 LOW, pCO2 LOW (compensation)
Liver Enzymes, Jaundice and Distended Abdo suggest Liver Failure.
Neuro, secondary to Liver issues suggest Hepatic Encephalopathy. However, Tylenol OD can present similarly.
No quick fix to these labs, all need slow infusions. Can fix sugar, in case it’s cause of seizure
Liver Failure often have either HIGH or LOW Coags (not shown here)
Will want to measure ETOH and Tylenol Levels. IHx important to discover exact cause.
If Tyl OD - can use MUCOMIST