Lab Values Flashcards
Normal osmolality
275-295 mOsm/kg
Less than 275 mOsm/kg
Greater than 295 mOsm/kg
Normal INR
In healthy ppl INR 1.1 or below is normal
For people on warfarin for afib or blood clot in leg or lung a range INR 2.0-3 is effective (for heart valves it might have to be higher 2.5-3.5)
Normal chloride level
96-106 mEq/L
Normal potassium
3.5-5 mEq/L
Normal BUN
7-20 mg/dL
Manifestations of hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia
Twitching and seizure activity
What do you see in hypercalcemia & hypophosphatemia
Extreme muscle weakness
EKG changes in hypokalemia
U waves
Hyperkalemia EKG changes
Tall peaked T wave
Normal creatinine level
And byproduct of____
- 7-1.5 mg/ dL
* Byproduct of muscle metabolism
RBC/erythrocytes in neonate
2-6 mo
1-16 years
16-18 years
2-6 mo: 3.8-5.6
1-16 years 3.9-5.3 million/mm^3
16-18 years 4.2-5.4 million /mm^3
Newborn: 14.5-22.5 g/dL
2 mo 9-14
6-12 yrs 11.5-15.5
12-18 yrs 12-16
Indicates proportion of RBCs in a liter of blood Usually about 3×Hgb Neonate: 48-68% 2 mo 28-42% 12-18 yrs 36-49%
If too low- thrombocytopenia
Normal fibrinogen
200-400 mg/dL
Or 2-4 g/L
WBC count and differential “shift to the left”
Differential provides percentage of each type of leukocyte (WBC) an increase in WBC often r/t increase in 1 type and often in immature neutrophils( known as bands) and an indication of an infectious process
Prothrombin Time
10-13 seconds Time increases with: anticoagulation therapy Vitamin K deficiency Decreased prothrombin DIC Liver disease Malignant neoplasm * Some drugs may shorten time
Hypocalcemia symptoms
Tachypnea, wheezing, strider, tremors muscle cramps, and prolonged ST