lab values Flashcards
Hgb g/dL
Male: 14-18 Female: 12-16
High-altitude living increases values. Drug therapy can alter.
Slight decrease with pregnancy.
Hct %
Male: 42-52 Female: 37-47
Abnormalities in RBC size may alter Hct values
RBC million/ mm3
Male: 4.7-6.1 Female: 4.2-5.4
Exercise & high altitudes can cause an increase in values.
WBC 1000/ mm3
Both sexes: 5-10
Anesthetics, stress, exercise, and convulsions can cause increased values.
Platelet count 1000/ mm3
Both sexes: 150-400
Values may increase if living at high altitudes, exercising strenuously, or taking oral contraceptives
SED rate, ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate:
Male: up to 15 Female: up to 20
Rate is elevated during 2nd & 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
PT Prothrombin time: seconds
Both sexes: 11-12.5
Used in regulating Coumadin therapy.
INR International Normalized Ratio
Both sexes: 0.8-1.1
Used to monitor anticoagulation therapy.
Partial thromboplastin time: seconds
Both sexes: 60-70
It is used in regulating heparin therapy
Activated partial thromboplastin time: seconds
Both sexes: 3-4
It is used in regulating heparin therapy.
Alkaline phosphatase: IU/L
Both sexes: 30-120
Hemolysis of specimen can cause a false elevation in values.
Albumin: g/dL
Both sexes: 3.5-5
No special preparation is needed.
Bilirubin total: mg/dL
Total: 0.3-1 Indirect: 0.2-0.8 Direct: 0.1-0.3
Client is to be NPO except for water for 8-12 hours prior to testing.
Do not shake tube.
Total Calcium: mg/dL
Both sexes: 9-10.5
No special preparation is needed.
Chloride: mEq/L
Both sexes: 98-106