Lab Values Flashcards
When can hCG be detected in blood/urine?
7-9 days after fertilization (Williams)
8-10 days (Gabbe)
When does hCG peak?
When does hCG decline to its nadir?
16wks (Williams)
20wks (Gabbe)
What hCG patterns are indicative of ectopic or SAB?
falls or plateaus; fails to reach 50% increase in 48h
Explain indirect Coombs testing
- mix maternal serum w/ standard reagent that carries antigens
- will react w/ clinically significant Abs
- unbound Abs identified (e.g. Rh D)
Which type of antibodies are most concerning?
IgM does not cross placenta
normal WBCs
1st: 3.9-13.8
2nd: 4.5-14.8
3rd: 5.3-16.9
term: 4.2-22.2
normal platelets
1st: 149-433k
2nd: 135-391k
3rd: 121-429k
term: 121-397k
normal Hgb
1st: 11.0-14.3
2nd: 10.5-13.7
3rd: 11.0-13.8
term: 11.0-14.6
normal Hct
1st: 33-41%
2nd: 32-38%
3rd: 33-40%
term: 33-42%
normal ferritin
1st: 10-123
2nd: 10-101
3rd: 10-48
term: 10-64
normal iron
1st: 40-215
2nd: 40-220
3rd: 40-193
term: 40-193
What spot protein:creatinine ratio value is significant and what are next steps?
consider 24h urine
normal urine protein
1st: 19-141
2nd: 47-186
3rd: 46-185
normal Na
1st: 131-139
2nd: 129-142
3rd: 127-143
term: 124-141
What is hep B detected?
hep B surface antigen (HBsAg) = first serological marker
What is indicative of hep B resolution?
Abs to HBsAg (anti-Hbs)
Explain seronegative vs seropositive for varicella
seropositive = immune
seronegative = non-immune –> vaccinate PP
What BPs are indicative of HTN?
140-160s sys OR 90-110 dia
at least 2 elevated BPs at least 4h but no more than 7 days apart
What BPs are indicative of severe HTN?
> /= 160 / >/= 110
What is indicative of preeclampsia?
severe gHTN + proteinuria
What platelet values are indicative of thrombocytopenia?
<100,000 –> evaluate for preeclampsia
What serum creatinine values are significant?
> 1.1 = renal insufficiency
What defines proteinuria?
- 1+ or more by dipstick testing on 2 occasions OR
- protein:creatinine ratio >0.30 OR
- > /=300mg in 24h urine collection
How is GDM dx’ed?
1h: 130-140 –>
- fasting: 95-105
- 1h: 180-190
- 2h: 155-165
- 3h: 140-145
Which pts are at high risk of thyroid disease?
serum TSH at first visit for:
1) hx thyroid dysfunction or prior thyroid surgery
2) >30yo
3) sx of thyroid dysfunction or presence of goiter
4) thyroid peroxidase antibody positive
5) type 1 DM
6) hx head/neck radiation
7) family hx thyroid dysfunction
8) morbid obesity (BMI >40)
9) use of amiodarone or lithium
10) unexplained infertility
11) living in area of iodine insufficiency
What values of are indicative of primary hypothyroidism?
1st: TSH > 2.5
2nd, 3rd: TSH > 3.0