Lab Values Flashcards
RBC, HGB, RDW, blood indices, platelet count, WBC, and the differentials are included in this test
An increase of ________ can be due to chronic lung diease, person’s living at high altitudes, children with congentital heart defects, and polycythemia.
A decrease of ________ can be due to bone marrow supression, hemorrhage, hemodilution, hemolysis, or erythorcyte sickling (ruptures).
What is the normal values for Hemoglobin (HGB)?
Men 14-18 g/ 100 ml
Women 12-16 g/100 ml
True or False
All the reasons RBC and HGB are low are same reasons HCT low?
What is the Hematocrit (HCT) and its values?
Seperates erythocytes from plasma. Fastest way to determine perceont of RBC’s in plasma. HCT value generally 3 x HGb. Men 42-52% Women 37-47 %. All the reasons RBC or HGB are low, are the dame reason HCT would be low.
Evaluates the different types of anemia.
RBC indicies. MCV, MCHC, and MCH determine type of anema.
RBC distribution width.
WBC critcal values
< 2500 or > 30000
Single room, positive presssure room, no plants or flowers, staff wear gloves and gown, patient can only consumed cooked food, and supplies must be kept in an enclosed cart.
Neutropenic Precautions
Granular Leukocytes
WBC Differential
Most responsive to infections, tissue necrosis and inflammation.
A “Band”
is an immature neutrophil that is being produced rapidly in the response to new or overwhelming infection. An increase in this means severe bacterial infecion or sepsis.
Seen with antibody-antigen complexes or allergic reaction.
Increased during healing process. Sometimes referred to as tissue mast cells. Assoc. with asthama and allergies.
B Cells and T Cells
Second line of defense after neutrophils.
Normal range for Platelets
150,000-400,000. Less than 100,000 is critical!
Low platelet count associated with leukemia or aplastic anemia.
Associated with polycythemia, fractures, and after spleenectomy.
Measures the amount of time needed to form a clot and measures the extrinsic clotting mechinism.
Prothrombin time or PT
All health systems use this to determine the theraputic range for Warfafin. Value around 1 is normal. We want the value of 2 or greater if the patient has a history of blood clots, and the higher this is the greater the risk for bleeding. (the person’s warfarin theroputic range)
Used in monitoring Heparin Therapy
When this is drawn, the provider is determining if there is an infection or chronic inflammation in the body.
ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Ratio
Na, K, Glucose, Cl, CO2, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/ creat ratio, Anion Gap.
BMP or Basic Chemistry
Measures the amount of Urea Nitrogen
Evaluates renal dysfunction in which a large number of nephrons have been destroyed.
Creatinine normal range 0.5-1.2
Normal Glucose Range
When there is an imbalance of electrolytes and acid base balance, this will be abnormal.
Anion Gap
Measures the density of the urine compared to the density of water.
Specific Gravity
Normal CO2 range
23-30 mEq/L
Made by the pancreas and parotid glands. Increases 2-12 hours after the onset of acute pancreatitis, then returns to normal in 2-4 days.
Serum Amylase
Primary enzyme of pancreas
Serum Lipase
Assessing liver function
ALT Alanin Amino Transferase
Found primarily in the heart and liver
AST Aspartate Aminotranserase
Serum Proteins
Think low protein levels, poor tissue healing, and third spacing because of loss of the oncotic pull in the blood stream.
By-product of protein breakdown. Most is aborbed in the liver then converted to urea.
Product of cell metabolism. Greater than 2 is suspicious.
Lactic Acid
More sensitive to myocardial damage. Suspicious if greater than 1. Positve if greater than 2.
Used to determine theraputic range of medications
Peak and Toughs
Measures the amount of fibrin degradation that occurs. Helps to diagnose hypercoagulability, a tendency to clot inappropriately.
Not normally present. Produced in the liver in response to tissue injury and inflammation.
CRP C-reative Protein
Secreted by the cardiac ventricles to support cardiac function, volume overload and pressure overload. Diagnosis of CHF.
BNP Brain Natriuretic Peptide
Normal Sodium Range
Normal Potassium Range
Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphate, and Sulphate
Major intracellular electrolytes. 60% total body water. 25 liters
Sodium, Chloride, Bicarbonate, and Calcium
Major extracellular electrolytes 15 liters
1/2 NS, D5W
3% NS, 5% NS, D10w, D51/2 NS, D5LR. Shift fluids from intracellular to extracellular.
Occur dailty through the skin and the lungs
Insensible losses
Those of which a person is aware ie, urination, wound drainage, GI tract losses.
Sensible Losses
Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic solutions