lab tools/equipment Flashcards
iron ring
description - iron ring with screw faster several sizes available
use - to fasten to the ring stand as a support for apparatus
buret clamp/ test tube clamp
description - screw fastener, swivel and lock nut, adjusting screw, curved clamp
use - to hold apparatus may be fastened to the ring stand
pinch clamp
description - metal clamp with finger grips
use - to clamp a rubber connector
test tube rack
description - rack, may be wood, metal, or plastic
use - to hold test tubes in an upright position
plastic water bottle
description - squeezable plastic bottle with angular tip
use - to dispense distilled water
test tube brush
description - brush with wire handle
use - to scrub glass apparatus
stirring rod
description - glass rod
use - to stir combination of materials, to use in pouring liquids
porcelain dish
as a container for small amounts of liquid being evaporated
watch glass
description - curved glass
use - may be used as a beaker cover may be used in evaporating very small amounts of liquids
medicine dropper
description - glass tip with rubber bulb
use - to transfer small amounts of liquids
description - metal
use - to pick up or hold small objects
description - glass
use - as a container (like a cup), may be heated
common sizes:
50 mL
250 mL
400 mL
graduated cylinder
description - glass, marked with a mL scale
use - to measure volume
50 mL 1.0 mL
35 mL 9.2 or 0.5 mL
10 mL 0.1 mL
erlenmeyer flask
description - glass
use - may be heated
common sizes:
125 mL
250 mL
500 mL
description - metal
use - to pick up or hold apparatus