Lab Terms Flashcards
Cycle ergometry
VO2 ml/min = kpm x 2+ 300
Horizontal walking
VO2 ml/kg/min = m/min x .1 + 3.5
1 m to feet
3.28 ft
1mph = ft
88 feet/min or 26.8 m/min
1 MET= ml/kg/min
Lbs to 1kg
1watt to Kpms
Pulse Ox goes on which fibber
3rd or 4th digit
If PT presenting with rapid shallow (tachypneic) pattern results in… How to resolve?
Try end inspiration hold 3-5s to improve SP02
Unilateral lung conditions positioning tip
Place good lung down
Desaturation (hypoxemia) signs and sx
Impaired judgment Dec activity tolerance Palpitations, SOB, dyspnea Angina, anxious, worried, lightheaded Fatigue, blurry vision, shakiness HR inc RR inc Cyanosis if <80%
Titrating supplemental 02 to avoid desaturation with work: rest ratios
Over time gradual inc workload
FIO2% delivered per L O2
Room air =21% 1L =24% FIO2 2L= 28% 3L= 32% 4L= 36% 5L= 40%
Store pressurized O2
Upright container
Conserving vs continuous O2
Continuous is always flowing
Pulsed deliver a bonus of O2 with inhalation
Value of ideal air humidification
Breathing pattern assessment
Diaphragmatic vs apical RR Insp:expir Expiratory phase passive Lateral costal expansion Inspiration paradox Inc tactile fremitus
CPG for supplemental o2
See flow chart
Incentive spirometry
Helps to prevent atelectasis
Increases efficiency of alveolar ventilation (gas exchange)
Diaphragmatic breathing
Most efficient and therapeutic breathing exercise for promoting O2 transport
Quick stretch
PNF technique based on intrafusal muscle spindle mono synaptic reflex arc
When stimulated the outcome is facilitory to the extra fusal mm in which the mm spindle is imbedded
Incentive spirometry prescription
8-10 breaths an hour while awake
Follow with an attempt to cough
Pores of kohn
Connect alveoli and help to achieve full deep breaths
End inspiration hold
2 sec minimum during deep breathing exercises
3-5 sec to inc saturation
Volume change per unit of pressure
Signs and Sx DVT
Unilateral swelling
pain or tenderness
warmth or red discoloration
Signs and Sx PE
unexplained sudden onset of SOB Chest pain or discomfort worsens with deep breath feeling lightheaded/dizzy rapid pulse coughing up blood CTA chest with contrast
Signs and Sx of Hypoglycemia minic stroke
confusion or abnormal behavior
visual disturbances
look similar on perfusion imaging
Diabetic glucose values
if anticoagulated after DVT (some hospitals require 24 hours)
- can ambulate with compression with no increased risk for PE
Egress Test
3 reps of sit to stand
3 steps of marching in place each LE (with or w/o AD)
advance step and return twice with each book (weight shift fwd)