Lab Quizzes Flashcards
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the rostrum?
anterior tip of animal
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the function of the buccal cirri?
- to keep large particles from entering the pharynx
- contains taste discriminating elements
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the function of the pharynx?
- ciliated lining of the pharyngeal bar traps food particles and moves them dorsally towards the intestine
- removes excess water out of the body through the pharyngeal slit
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the nerve cord?
component of the nervous system
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the function of the notochord?
makes the body more rigid
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the eyespot?
frontal eye pigment that is a sensory organ for light intensity
amphioxus (basal chordates): what are the ocellus?
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the myomeres?
muscles for locomotion
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the hepatic diverticulum and its function?
midgut cecum/diverticulum involved in the production of digestive enzymes
- homologous with liver or pancreas
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the atrium?
body chamber that houses the organs
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the function of the atriopore?
water expulsion
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the function of the intestine/hindgut?
to digest food
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the function of the anus?
waste expulsion
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the function of a wheel organ?
creates the vortex of water current into pharynx
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the function of the epibranchial groove?
pathway for food particles to be transported from pharynx to gut
amphioxus (basal chordates): what is the endostyle and its function?
produces mucus lining of the pharynx to trap particles and binds iodine and produces iodine compounds
- homologous with the endostyle in urochordates and thyroid gland in higher vertebrates
adult tunicate: what is a tunic?
outer wall of the body
adult tunicate: what is the function of an incurrent siphon?
take in water and food, which then travels to the pharynx
adult tunicate: what is the function of an excurrent siphon?
expels water, waste, and fertilised eggs
adult tunicate: what is the function of a pharynx with stigmata?
ciliated structures that creates water current and traps food particles
adult tunicate: what is the function of the endostyle?
produces mucus lining of the pharynx to trap particles and binds iodine and produces iodine compounds
- homologous with the endostyle in urochordates and thyroid gland in higher vertebrates
adult tunicate: what is the function of the intestine?
to digest food
adult tunicate: what is the function of the anus?
for waste expulsion
adult tunicate: what is the function of the atrium?
houses the organs
larval tunicates: what is the function of adhesive organs?
to attach to substrates before retrograde metamorphosis
larval tunicates: what is the ocellus?
photoreceptor that is sensitive to light at various lumens
larval tunicates: what is the function of statocyst (otolith)?
organ that balances the body
larval lamprey: what is the oral hood?
anterior tip that encloses the buccal cavity
larval lamprey: what is the oral papillae and its function?
- structure for sensory input
- strain and filter particles
larval lamprey: where is the brain?
part of the nerve system that occupies the anteriormost position
larval lamprey: are the eyes functional?
larval lamprey: what is the pharynx and its function?
- contains gill lamellae in the gill pouches for respiration
- filter out food particles and pass them to the esophagus
larval lamprey: what is the function of gill pouches?
houses gill lamellae for gas exchange
larval lamprey: what is the function of the notochord
provide rigidity to the body
larval lamprey: where is the spinal cord?
posterior to the brain
larval lamprey: what is the subpharyngeal gland and its function?
- produce mucus lining to trap particles, binds iodine, and produces iodine
- homologous with the endostyle in urochordates and thyroid gland in higher vertebrates
larval lamprey: what are the myomeres?
locomotory muscles
larval lamprey: what is the hyperpharyngeal ridge?
moves food particles from pharynx to gut
larval lamprey: what is the gill lamellae?
where gas exchange takes place
what is the function of a placoid scale?
- protect the body
- reduce drag by enhancing the hydrodynamic of the body
what is the function of lissamphibian poisonous glands?
produce, store, and excrete toxic substances - defensive mechanism
what are the functions of lissamphibian mucous glands?
produce and secrete mucus to moisten integuments for gas exchange
what is the function of lissamphibian chromatophores?
produce colored pigments
what is the function of a snake scale?
reduce dehydration and external threats
what is the function of a snake chromatophore
produce pigments
what is the function of a chicken arrectores plumarum muscle?
to adjust the relative position of the associated feather
what is the function of a human sweat gland?
regulate body temp
what is the function of a human sebaceous gland?
produce oils
what is the function of a human arrector pilli muscle?
to adjust the relative position of the associated hair
bones: what is the osteon?
basic units that form teh cortical layers of mammalian bone
bones: what is the haversian canal?
tubular canals that house blood vessels and nerve branches
bones: what is the lacuna?
space within the osteon that houses osteocytes
bones: what is the cortical bone
compact bone
bones: what is the cancellous bone?
spongy bone
ossification: what is the resting cartilage?
cells are loosely organized, lots of space between them
ossification: what is the proliferative zone?
cells are tightly organized in columns
ossification: what is the hypertrophic zone
cells are in columns, increases as it moves away from the resting cartilage
ossification: what is the calcified zone?
matrix tissues around the cells that receive Ca deposits -> hydroxyapatite crystals form
ossification: what is the tidemark?
line that separates calcified and ossified zone
ossification: what is the ossified zone?
cells are replaced by bone cells
frog vertebral column: what is urostyle?
bony rod posterior to the sacrum
bird vertebral column: what is the synsacrum?
fused posterior thoracic, lumbar, and sacral vertebrae
bird vertebral column: what is the caudal vertebrae?
skeletal support of the tail
bird vertebral column: what is the pygostyle?
fused caudal vertebrae and attachment site for rectrices
bird vertebral column: what is the uncinate process?
bony prong that attaches to the posterior part of the vertebral ribs
turtle: what is the carapace?
fused trunk and sacral vertebrae, vertebral ribs, and dermal bone
turtle: what is the plastron?
fused sternum, ribs, and dermal bones
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the clavotrapezius?
function: protracts the humerus of the forelimb
homology: cucullaris
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the clavobranchialis?
flexes the forelimb of the elbow joint; pectoral fin abductor
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the acriomiodeltoid?
retracts the humerus and rotates it laterally; pectoral fin abductor
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the spinodeltoid?
retracts the humerus and rotates it laterally; pectoral fin abductor
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the acromiotrapezius?
adducts and stabilises the scapula; cucullaris
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the spinotrapezius?
retracts and pulls the scapular dorsocaudally; cucullaris
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the latissimus dorsi?
retracts and pulls forelimb dorsocaudally; pectoral fin abductor
cat thorax muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the pectoantebrachialis?
adducts the forelimb towards the sagittal plane; pfa
cat thorax muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the pectoralis major?
adducts the forelimb towards the sagittal plane; pfa
cat thorax muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the pectoralis minor?
adducts the forelimb towards the sagittal plane; pfa
cat thorax muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the xiphihumeralis?
adducts the forelimb towards the sagittal plane; pfa
cat abdomen muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the external oblique
compresses the abdominal region; hypaxial muscles
cat upper forelimb muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the triceps brachii?
extends the forelimb at the elbow joint; pfa
cat upper forelimb muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of the brachialis?
flexes the forelimb at the elbow joint along with the biceps brachii; pfa
shark muscles: what is the function of myomere?
basic unit of muscles
shark muscles: what is the function of myoseptum?
connective tissue between myomeres
shark muscles: what is the function of epaxial muscle?
flexion of trunk and caudal region
shark muscles: what is the function of hypaxial muscle?
flexion of trunk and caudal region
shark muscles: what is the function of levator palatoquadrate?
elevation of the palatoquadrate
shark muscles: what is the function of spiracularis?
elevation of the palatoquadrate
shark muscles: what is the function of adductor mandibulae?
elevation of the meckel’s cartilage
shark muscles: what is the function of epihyoideus
compression of the gill pouches for ventilation
shark muscles: what is the function of dorsal superficial constrictors
compression of the gill pouches for ventilation
shark muscles: what is the function of cucullaris?
elevation of the suprascapular cartilage
shark muscles: what is the function of pectoral fin levator?
elevation of the pectoral fin
shark muscles: what is the function of intermandibularis?
elevation of the oral floor
shark muscles: what is the function of ventral superficial constrictor?
compression of the gill pouches for ventilation
shark muscles: what is the function of coracomandibularis?
depression of the lower jaw
shark muscles: what is the function of common coracoarcuales?
assisting in the depression of the lower jaw
shark muscles: what is the function of coracohyoides?
assisting in the depression of the lower jaw
shark muscles: what is the function of coracobranchiales
depression of the lower jaw
shark muscles: what is the function of pectoral fin depressor?
lowers the pectoral fin
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of rhomboideus?
adducts scapula medially; hypaxial musculature
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of rhomboideus capitis?
protract and rotate scapula cranially; hypaxial musculature
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of splenius?
elevate and rotate the head; epaxial musculature
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of levator scapulae ventralis?
protracts scapula cranially; hypaxial musculature
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of supraspinatus?
protracts humerus cranially; pfa
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of infrapsinatus?
abducts and rotates humerus laterally; pfa
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of teres minor?
assist in lateral rotation of humerus; pfa
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function of teres major?
retracts humerus and rotates it medially; pfa
cat shoulder muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of serratus dorsalis?
cranial protracts ribs, caudal retracts ribs; hypaxial musculature
cat deep back muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of mutifidus spinae?
extend and bend vertebral column; epaxial
cat deep back muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of longissimus dorsi?
extends vertebral column; epaxial
cat deep back muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of intercostalis externus?
protract ribs cranially; hypaxial
cat deep back muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of intercostalis internus?
retract ribs caudally; hypaxial
cat thorax muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of rectus abdominus?
retract sternum and ribs, compress the abdomen; hypaxial
cat thorax muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of transversus costarum?
protract ribs cranially; hypaxial
cat thorax muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of serratus ventralis?
adducts and stablises scapula towards thoracic wall; hypaxial
cat thorax muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of scalene?
bends neck and protracts ribs; hypaxial
cat thorax muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of subscapularis?
adducts humerus towards sagittal plane; pectoral musclulature
cat thorax muscles: what is the function and homology (in shark) of coracobrachialis?
adducts humerus towards sagittal plane; pectoral musclulature
cat deep upper forelimb muscles: what is the function and homology (in sharks) of triceps brachii?
extends forelimb to elbow joint; pfa
cat deep upper forelimb muscles: what is the function and homology (in sharks) of anconeus?
assist triceps to extend forelimb at the elbow joint; pfa
cat upper forelimb muscles: what is the function and homology (in sharks) of epitochlearis?
assist triceps to extend forelimb at the elbow joint; pfa