Lab quiz 5 Flashcards
What are Argentiniformes?
Marine Smelts
What are some characteristics of Argentiniformes?
Large eye, Adipose fin usually present, terminal mouth, abdominal pelvic fin.
What are osmeriformes?
True Smelts
What is the one family of osmeriformes?
What is the one family we need to know of Argentiniformes?
What are some characteristics of Osmeriformes?
Adipose fin usually present, silver body, teeth on all jaws, no pelvic auxiliary process.
What are salmoniformes?
Salmon and trout
What is the one family within salmoniformes?
What does anadromous mean?
Moves between salt and freshwater to breed.
Characteristics of salmoniformes?
Fusiform body, adipose fin, auxiliary process at base of thoracic pelvic fin, gill membrane not connected to isthmus.
What is Oncorhynchus clarkii?
Cut-throat trout
What is Oncorhynchus mykiss?
Rainbow trout
What is Salmo trutta?
Brown trout
What is Salvelinus fontinalis?
Brook trout
What is Salvelinus namaycush?
Lake trout
What are Esociformes?
Pike and mudminnows
What are the two families of esociformes?
Esocidae and umbridae
What are esocidae?
What are umbridae?
Characteristics of esociformes?
No adipose fin, dorsal and anal fins posteriorly, forked caudal fin (esocidae), snout is duck-bill like (esocidae), rounded caudal fin (umbridae), faint or absent lateral line (umbridae)
What are stomiiformes?
Characteristics of stomiiformes?
Photophores, chin barble sometimes present, large mouth compared to body, sometimes has loss of multiple fins
What are aulopiformes?
Which family is the lizardfish in?
Characteristics of aulopiformes?
No swim bladder, usually have adipose fin, jaw extends behind the eye, looks like a lizard, many hermaphroditic species.
What are myctophiformes?
Lantern fish
What is the lantern fish family name?
Characteristics of myctophiformes?
Mouth large and terminal, large eye, photophores arranged in groups and rows, adipose fin
What are percopsiformes?
Trout perches
What are the two families we need to know of percopsiformes?
Aphredoderidae and ambylopsidae
Characteristics of percopsiformes?
Upper jaw formed by premaxilla, spines present in dorsal and anal fins, anus under throat
What fish are in the aphredoderidae family?
Pirate perch
What fish are in the ambylopsidae family?
Cave fish
What are gadiformes?
What are the 2 families of gadiformes that we need to know?
Gadidae and phycidae
Characteristics of gadiformes?
Dorsal fin divided into 2 or 3 sections, chin barbell usually present, and pelvic fin inserted below or in front of pectorals
What are stephanoberyciformes?
What family of stephanoberyciformes do we need to know?
Characteristics of stephanoberyciformes?
Dorsal fin with 1-3 spines, large cycloid scales, lateral line absent
What are beryciformes?
Flashlight fish
What family of beryciformes do we need to know
Characteristics of beryciformes?
One pelvic spine, shiny and soft rays of dorsal fin divided by a notch, forked caudal fin, large eye with bioluminescent organ underneath
Match each order with its common name
Argentiniformes, Osmeriformes, Salmoniformes, Esociformes, Stomiiformes, aulopiformes, myctophiformes, Percopsiformes, Gadiformes, Stephanoberyciformes, Beryciformes
Marine smelts, Smelts, salmon and trout, Pike and mudminnows, dragonfish, lizardfish, lanternfish, trout-perches, Cod, Ridgeheads, Flashlight fish