Lab Practical Flashcards
what kind of changes can you make with regard to patient tolerance
larger electrodes move them further away decrease intensity increase frequency decrease pulse duration
what is the main indication for using TENS
pain relief
be more active
less pain medication use
increase movement and mobility
what are the differences between conventional and acupuncture TENS
conventional: can wear up to 24 hours and move with it. Pain relief just while pads are on. Frequency 100-150Hz. Pulse duration 50-80 microseconds. gate control theory
acupuncture: 20-30 min, pain for 5 hours because endogenous opioid release. frequency is 2-10 Hz, and pulse duration is 150-300 microseconds.
true or false: for pain control, we want a muscle contraction
contraindications for TENS and IFC
pacemaker, arrhythmia
electrode over carotid sinus
precautions for TENS and IFC
cardiac disease
impaired sensation and mentation
skin irritation or open wounds
high volt: what is it used for
edema control (-) soft tissue healing (+)
when is high volt not good to use
when you have things like heart failure, kidney failure and liver failure
contraindications and precautions for High volt
contraindications: pacemaker carotid sinus DVT pregnancy
precautions: cardiac disease impaired mentation and sensation skin irritation watch for infection spread
where does the positive pad go for edema
what are the reasons you would use NMES
muscles strengthening cardiorespiratory functional training muscle coordination and control edema control and circulation slow down atrophy improve function decrease atrophy (in astronauts)
what are the differences between physiologic and e-stim contractions
the physiologic is Type I and the E-stim is type II
contraindications of NMES
pacemaker carotid sinus DVT pregnancy disrupts healing
precautions of MNES
cardiac disease impaired mentation and sensation tumors skin irritation or open wounds DOMS
pulse duration and frequency for the NMES
pulse duration 120-200 for small muscles or 200-350 for large muscles