Lab Practical 1 Flashcards
Trapezius origin and insertion
- Origin: Occipital protuberance, Ligamentum nuchae, Spinous processes of C7-T12
- Insertion: (Upper fibers) - Lateral clavicle
(Middle fibers) - Spine of scapula
(Lower fibers) - Root of spine of scapula
Trapezius action and nerve supply
- Action: (Upper fibers) - Elevation of scapula, Upward Rotation of scapula
(Middle fibers) - Retraction of scapula
(Lower fibers) - Depression of scapula, Upward rotation of scapula - Nerve Supply: spinal accessory nerve (CNXI)
Rhomboid Minor origin and insertion
- Origin: Spinous processes of C7-T1
- Insertion: Root of spine of scapula
Rhomboid minor action and nerve supply
- Action: Retraction of scapula, Downward rotation of scapula (look at glenoid for hint at movement)
- Nerve supply: dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboid major origin and insertion
- Origin: Spinous processes of T2-T5
- Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula inferior to root of spine
Rhomboid major action and nerve supply
- Action: Retraction of scapula, Downward rotation of scapula (look at glenoid for hint at movement)
- Nerve supply: dorsal scapular nerve
Levator Scapulae origin and insertion
- Origin: Transverse processes of C1-C4
- Insertion: vertebral border of scapula superior to root of spine
Levator Scapulae action and nerve supply
- Action: elevation of scapula, downward rotation of scapula
- Nerve supply: dorsal scapular nerve
Latissimus Dorsi origin and insertion
- Origin: Spinous processes of T7-T12, Lower ribs, Thoracolumbar aponeurosis, Iliac crest
- Insertion: Bicipital groove of humerus
Latissimus Dorsi action and nerve supply
- Action: Extension of shoulder, Internal rotation of shoulder, Adduction of shoulder
- nerve supply: thoracodorsal nerve
Serratus posterior superior origin and insertion
- Origin: ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7-T3
- Insertion: superior border of ribs 2-4
Serratus poster superior action and nerve supply
- action: elevates ribs
- nerve supply: intercostal nerves T1-T4
Serratus poster inferior origin and insertion
- origin: spinous processes of T11-L2
- insertion: inferior borders of ribs 9-12
Serratus poster inferior action and nerve supply
- action: depresses ribs
- nerve supply: intercostal nerves T9-T12
Iliocostalis origin and insertion
- origin: Posterior ribs, Thoracolumbar aponeurosis, Iliac crest, Sacrum
- insertion: Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae, Posterior ribs
Iliocostalis action and nerve supply
- action: Extension of vertebral column, Lateral flexion of vertebral column
- nerve supply: posterior rami of spinal nerves
Longissimus origin and insertion
- origin: Transverse processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae, Thoracolumbar aponeurosis, Iliac crest, Sacrum
- insertion: Mastoid process, Transverse processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae
Longissimus action and nerve supply
- action: Extension of vertebral column, Lateral flexion of vertebral column
- nerve supply: posterior rami of spinal nerves
spinalis origin and insertion
- origin: Ligamentum nuchae, Spinous processes of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae
- insertion: Occipital bone, Spinous processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae
spinalis action and nerve supply
- action: Extension of vertebral column, Lateral flexion of vertebral column
- nerve supply: posterior rami of spinal nerves
Rectus capitus posterior major origin and insertion
- origin: spinous process of axis
- insertion: occipital bone
Rectus capitus posterior major action and nerve supply
- action: Extension of atlanto-occipital joint, Ispilateral rotation at the atlanto-axial joint
- nerve supply: posterior ramus of spinal nerve C1
Rectus capitus posterior minor origin and insertion
- origin: posterior tubercle of atlas
- insertion: occipital bone
Rectus capitus posterior minor action and nerve supply
- action: extension of Atlanto-occipital joint
- nerve supply: posterior ramus of spinal nerve C1
Obliquus capitus superior origin and insertion
- origin: transverse process of atlas
- insertion: occipital bone
Obliquus capitus superior action and nerve supply
- action: Extension of atlanto-occipital joint, Lateral flexion of atlanto-occipital joint
- nerve supply: posterior ramus of spinal nerve C1
Obliquus capitus inferior origin and insertion
- origin: superior process of axis
- insertion: transverse process of the atlas
Obliquus capitus inferior action and nerve supply
- action: Ipsilateral rotation of the atlanto-axial joint
- nerve supply: posterior ramus of spinal nerve C1
splenius capitus origin and insertion
- origin: Spinous process of C7-T3, Ligamentum nuchae
- insertion: occipital bone, mastoid process
splenius capitus action and nerve supply
- action: Extension of head and neck, Lateral flexion and rotation of head
- nerve supply: posterior ramus spinal nerve C2-C3
pectoralis major origin and insertion
- origin: – Medial clavicle, Sternum, and costal cartilages of superior ribs
- insertion: Lateral bicipital (intertubercular) groove of humerus
pectoralis major action and nerve supply
- action: (Both) Adduction of shoulder, Horizontal adduction of shoulder, Internal rotation of shoulder
(Clavicular head) Flexion of shoulder
(Sternal head) Extension of shoulder to neutral - nerve supply: (Clavicular head) Lateral and medial pectoral nerves
(Sternal head) Medial pectoral nerve
pectoralis minor origin and insertion
- origin: anterior surface of ribs 3-5
- insertion: coracoid process of scapula
pectoralis minor action and nerve supply
- action: Protraction of scapula, Depression of scapula, Downward rotation of scapula
- nerve supply: medial pectoral nerve
serratus anterior origin and insertion
- origin: lateral surface of superior ribs
- insertion: medial (vertebral) border of scapula
serratus anterior action and nerve supply
- action: Protraction of scapula, Upward rotation of scapula, Holds scapula to thoracic wall
- nerve supply: long thoracic nerve
subclavius origin and insertion
- origin: costal cartilage of rib 1
- insertion: inferior border of clavicle
subclavius action and nerve supply
- action: stabilizes clavicle
- insertion: nerve to subclavius
scalenes origin and insertion
- origin: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
- insertion: ribs 1 and 2
scalenes action and nerve supply
- action: Elevation of ribs 1 and 2, Flexion of cervical vertebrae, Lateral flexion of cervical vertebrae
- nerve supply: anterior rami of spinal nerves
SCM origin and insertion
- origin: (Sternal head) – Manubrium
(Clavicular head) – Medial clavicle - insertion: mastoid process
SCM action and nerve supply
- action: Flexion of neck, Ipsilateral lateral flexion of neck and contralateral rotation of neck
- nerve supply: CNXI
platysma origin and insertion
- origin: fascia over upper chest
- insertion: mandible
platysma action and nerve supply
- action: tension of skin of neck
- nerve supply: CNVII
external intercostals origin and insertion
- origin: inferior margin of rib above
- insertion: superior margin of rib below
external intercostals action and nerve supply
- action: elevates ribs during inspiration
- nerve supply: intercostal nerves
internal intercostals origin and insertion
- origin: inferior margin of rib above
- insertion: superior margin of rib below
internal intercostals action and nerve supply
- action: elevates ribs during inspiration
- nerve supply: intercostal nerves
biceps brachii origin and insertion
- origin: (Short head) – Coracoid process
(Long head) – Supraglenoid tubercle - insertion: (Tendon) – Radial tuberosity
(Bicipital aponeurosis) – Antebrachial fascia (medial side)