LAB-NCS-1000 Flashcards
What is the DCC? Recite.
Double Casualty Criterion.
Nuclear fuel must be handled and equipment designed to ensure that an acceptable margin to criticality exists after the most-limiting combination of two unlikely, independent, and concurrent casualties.
What is the current ‘acceptable margin to criticality’?
Keff less than or equal to 0.95
What are the responsibilities of the criticality custodian?
- Develop of participate in the development of doc’s for which nuclear criticality safety is a consideration. These include CSEs, NSPs, SRWPs, TCNs, etc.
- Review operational procedures for LAB-NCS-1000 compliance.
- Instruct and train fuel handlers in the local controls specific to his or her area and to applications of fundamentals of nuclear criticality safety.
- Document training and qualification status of fuel handlers.
- Be knowledgeable in those aspects of nuclear criticality safety relevant to FHA operations under their cognizance.
- Oversee FHA operations to ensure compliance with nuclear criticality safety requirements and operating procedures.
- concur with transfers of fissile material into or out of the FHA
- Be aware of personnel with access to the area who are not qualified as fuel handling personnel and ensure they have been trained as incidental personnel or are escorted.
What must you do to qualify as a criticality custodian?
Take initial class and initial fuel handler written exam. FHA indoctrination. Pass an oral board. Qualify in LANMAS.
What is an FHA?
Fissile handling area; area where fissile material is handled and subject to the nuclear criticality safety controls of LAB-NCS-1000
What must a crit board have on it?
- Copy of the NSP or location of it
- List of authorized fuel handling personnel for the FHA
- A map identifying personnel evacuation exits
- Cognizant area personnel to be notified in case of emergency
- A list of personnel qualified to operate specialized equipment to perform material verification
How do you activate a new FHA?
- Inform the NCS org of the intent to establish a new FHA (location, operations to be performed, identify the FHA manager and crit custodians, training and qual plan)
- Need approved NSP and CSE
- Fuel handling personnel trained
- FHA management and NCS verify physical configurations and conditions (walkdown)
- FHTC walkdown
How do you deactivate an FHA or SLA?
- Notify NCS org in writing (include areas of accumulation)
- All accessible fissile material present shall be removed
- Rad surveys of the area to confirm no fissile material
- NCS inspection
- Evaluate any contamination hold-up and disposition
- Revision or cancellation of NSP
- Approval from NRLFO for potential residual fissile material in legacy items
What is a crit zone? How are crit zones marked?
Defined area within an FHA in which fissile material is handled, processed, or stored. Must be marked with a crit zone sign (indicate the applicable nuclear crit safety controls), have a unique identification and have boundaries.
What are the incidental moderator criteria?
- Physical isolation from fuel
- Expended and discarded
- Form
- Quantity
How many verification checks are required on a typical EnU move? Name a few.
Form, ID, TID, piece count, MCA, weight
What are the incidental reflector criteria?
- Mass less than or equal to 1 kg
- Form that doesn’t optimize reflection (i.e., hand tools)
- Thickness less than 0.5 in
- Shape that reflects on only one side
What is the purpose of a CSE?
To document the basis or justification for concluding that the subject fuel handling operation is safe and complies with the requirements of LAC-NCS-1000
What is the 4-step. Recite.
Response to a potentially nuclear unsafe condition or a violation of an established nuclear crit safety requirement
- Stop all activity within six feet of the noted abnormal condition
- Do not disturb any material in the affected area.
- Notify the area criticality custodian, who shall stop all activity in the FHA, and shall then notify nuclear criticality safety and the FHA manager
- The criticality custodian or the NCS organization shall also notify NRLFO