Lab Materials Flashcards
What is a Parsimony?
The principle of parsimony argues that the simplest of competing explanations is the most likely to be correct.
Formula for Hardy Weinberg
What is a Tissue
A____is a combination of specialized cell that work together performing their task.
What type of tissue prevents the passage of materials through them
Epithelial Tissue
-What type of tissue are tightly packed cells to prevent material from coming through and has no extracellular material.
Epithelial Tissue.
What are the functions of an epithelial cell?
Their functions are to limit and regulate passage through
If a chi-square is Less than .05 is the species in Hardy-Weinberg Evolution.
What’s the characteristic of an Epithelial Tissue.
-Tightly packed cells to prevent material from coming through and has no extracellular material.
If a chi-square is greater than .05 is the evolving.
If a chi-square is Less than .05 is the species in evolution.
A____is a combination of specialized cell that work together performing their task.
What is a Tissue
If a chi-square is greater than .05 is the species in Hardy-Weinberg Evolution.
Hardy Weinberg
- Population must be large
- Random Mating
- No gene flow
- No Mutation
- No Natural Selection