Lab Manual Questions Flashcards
What happens when Broca’s area is damaged?
difficult speaking
What area of the brain controls body temperature?
the hypothalamus
How do you test for stereognosis?
placing a coin in their hand and asking them to tell you what it is
The absence of a response to stimulation of the anal sphincter is the result of damage to..?
During a neurological reflex exam the tendon reflex fails to appear. Before striking again the examiner might use the technique of..?
What does the cerebellum do?
it is involved in coordination and balance, etc.
How do you trigger the babinski reflex?
firmly stroke the ball of the foot to get the toes to curl in (for babies) and get the toes to fan out for adults
What is the cremasteric response?
a reflex when you stroke the inner thigh is stroked and the ipsilateral testicle elevates
People who have Parkinson’s disease usually have what characteristic style of speech?
slow and monotonous
Which neck vessels are veins vs arteries?
the jugulars (internal and external) are both veins and the carotids are arteries
What is in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen?
the spleen
What is Murphy’s sign?
having them hold their breath while the examiner puts their gingers on the location of the inflamed gall bladder– it is positive if they feel pain
What is in the RUQ?
-right kidney
What is in the LUQ?
-left kidney
What is in the RLQ?
-right ovary and fallopian tube
-right ureter and spermatic tube
What is in the LLQ?
-part of the descending colon
-sigmoid colon
-left ovary and fallopian tube
-left ureter and spermatic cord