Lab Manual Flashcards
Dermal Tissue Cell Types
epidermal cells, covers entire body
Vascular tissue cell types
xylem and phloem, continuous throughout plant
Ground tissue cell types
parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma. Between dermal and vascular tissue.
Two Main plant systems and what they do
Shoot system- stems, leaves, photosynthesis,vegetative or reproductive
Root system-anchor, food storage, mineral and water absorption
vascular tissue of root and stem
- least specialized
- thin/flexible primary cell walls
- most lack secondary cell walls
- protoplast w/ large central vacuole
- alive at maturity
- metabolic functions: photosynthesis, starch storage in stems and roots, fleshy tissue of fruit, developing cells,repair and replacement of organs
- support young shoot without restraining growth
- thicker primary walls than parenchyma, uneven thickness, lack lignin
- no secondary cell walls
- alive and flexible at functional maturity
- grouped in strands/cylinders
Sclerenchyma cells
- support
- thick, lignin secondary cell walls
- more rigid than collenchyma
- many dead at functional maturity
- occur in regions that have stopped growing
- fibers:long, slender, tapered, in groups
- sclereids:shorter, irregular shape
vascular tissue
- water and mineral transport-ROOTS TO SHOOTS
- tracheids and vessel elements: elongated cells dead at functional maturity, secondary walls interrupted by pits
Vascular tissue
- organic compound transport: SOURCE TO SINK
- sieve tube members: chains of cells, alive at functional maturity but no nucleus, ribosomes or distinct vacuole, in angiosperms: sieve plates with pores
- companion cells:non-conduction, support for sievetube members. connected to sievetube members by plasmodemata, may help load sugar into sievetube member
specialized centre of body function composed of several different types of tissue
integrated group of cells with common structure and function
Cell structures not in animals
chloroplasts, cell wall, plasmodesmata, tonoplast, central vacuole
one cotyledon (seed leaf)
eg. orchids, palms, grasses
parallel veins, scattered vascular tissue,fibrous root system (no taproot/mainroot), one opening on pollen grain,floral organs in multiples of three
Two cotyledons
e.g. roses, sunflowers, oaks, maples, peas
veins netlike, vascular tissue organized in ring, taproot present, 3 openings in pollen grain,floral organs in multiples of 4s or 5s
- mainly in mesophylll
- 30-40/cell
- .5million/mm squared
- bounded by 2 membranes
- contain stroma (dense fluid surround grana) and thylakoids(interconnected membranous sacs)
- grana: stack of thylakoid sacs
- chlorophyll (in thylakoid membrane, green pigment)