Lab Investigations of The FBC Flashcards
Where does blood cell production occur?
In the bone marrow of long bones
- Maturation also occurs here and then mature cells are within peripheral blood.
What is the difference between centrifuged blood and blood left on the side?
Centrifuged blood is mixed and the right tube needs to be used.
What is used to stop blood clotting?
What is an FBC?
Full blood count: Gives RBC results, WBC results, Platelet results and Others such as warning flags
What is the most commonly used blood test?
Full blood count
The reticulocyte count is less common
What are the RBC results given from an FBC?
Hb: concentration of Hb Hct: % of blood volume as RBC MCV: Average size of RBC MCH: Average Hb content of RBC RDW: Range of deviation around RBC size Reticulocyte count Blood film
What are the WBC results given from an FBC?
Total WBC and differential
Neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils
What are the platelet results given from an FBC?
Platelet count and size
What are some warning flags that can be given from a FBC?
- Cells should not be in a full blood count
What is a blood film important for?
Confirming numbers and morphology (are the cells ‘normal’)
How can RBC look on a blood film?
- Size: big or small - anisocytosis
- Colour: Hb content
- Shape: round, TDP, irregular, elliptocytes - poikilocytosis
- Polychromasia: reticulocytes (different colour)
- Inclusions on blood films
- Need to confirm size + Hb content
- The shape of RBC which is why the blood film is important
How can WBC look on a blood film?
- Numbers: too many, too few
- Normal morphology - dysplastic features
- Immature cells: Myelocytes, precursors
- Abnormal cells: blasts, atypical lymphoid cells
- Inclusions
How are pink transfusion requests filled in?
By law, they have to be written by hand
How are bloods tracked? Why are they tracked?
Everything is barcoded to keep everything tracked. More than 1600 FBC samples/day are processed.
What does a full blood count analyzer show?
- Show appearance of no. first after machine
- Plot based on light refraction
What does IDA look like on a blood film compared to a normal blood film?
- Lost area of central pallor
- Elliptocytes or (penial cells) - really skinny elliptocytes
What does macrocytic megaloblastic anaemia look like on a blood film?
- Large RBC
- Lymphocytes are the same size as RBC
- No gastric cells so B12 deficiency
What does acquired haemolytic anaemia look like on a blood film?
- Polychromasia
- Spherocytes
- Slightly purple as big reticulocytes show polychromasia
What can a Haematology Report show for RBC disorders?
- Show Hb levels
- Show MCV size
- and more
What does SCA look like on a blood film?
- Target cells
- Purple reticulocytes which die in about 3 weeks
- Sickle-shaped cells
When are teardrop poikilocytosis seen on a blood film?
- In myelofibrosis or bone marrow infiltration with malignant disease (cancer)
What does plethoric mean?
What does neutrophil leucocytosis look like?
- Too many cells
- Infection and dehydration
- Increase in neutrophils
What does a Haemotology Report show for WBC disorders?
- WBC count
- Hb amount
What does a blood film of someone with acute myeloblastic leukaemia look like?
- Don’t produce normal healthy cells
- Abnormal blast cells-> pick up as WBC but not
What is another way of diagnosing acute leukemia?
By looking at the amount of each cell in a blood sample.
- More white cells in a patient
What does large WBC on a haematology report usually show?
- Usually shows a lot of neutrophils
What does someone with chronic granulocytic leukemia show?
- All stages of cell maturation will be represented.
What does the malarial parasitization of red cells look like on a blood film?
- Malaria parasite will be in a blood test
- Also, a malarial antigen test can also show the antigen present.