Lab investigation of the Full Blood count and WBC disorders Flashcards
Where does blood cell production occur ?
Haematopoiesis takes place in the bone marrow within long bones.
Maturation occurs in the bone marrow
Once mature, blood cells leave BM + enter the peripheral blood.
What are the different types of WBC ?
Lymphocytes Monocyte Eosinophil Basophil Neutrophil
What are the three types of blood cells produced ?
Which mature cells are found in peripheral blood?
RBC Lymphocytes (T-lymphocyte, B-lymphocyte) Monocyte Eosinophil Basophil Neutrophil Platelets
Describe Haematopoiesis
The process begins with multipotent haematopoietic stem cells (hemocytoblast)
This gives rise to the common myeloid progenitor + common lymphoid progenitor.
The common myeloid progenitor forms Megakaryoblast =Thrombocytes , Proerythroblasts=Erythrocytes, Myeloblast=Basophil/Neutrophil/Eosinophil (Granulocytes)
/Monocyte, mast cells
The common lymphoid progenitor forms :
Small lymphocyte=B/T lymphocytes
/natural killer cells
- Haemocytoblast divides to give 2 stem cells
- 1 stem cell self-renews. The other stem cell receives specific chemical signals to go down 1 of 2 pathways - lymphoid stem cell pathway/myeloid stem cell pathway.
- Myeloid stem cell pathway = myeloid stem cell divides to give (see slide 3 diagram, repeatedly draw out pathway to understand + memorise)
BM contains the __________ of blood cells that ________ to become _____________________
- committed progenitors
- differentiate
- the mature cells that enter peripheral blood
What are some components in a Full Blood count ?
-Hb: concentration of Haemoglobin
-HCT (haematocrit): Percentage of blood volume as RBC (percentage of the blood tube that is basically blood usually use Hb to reflect this, 40-50%)
-RBC (red blood cell count) another reflection of the Hb
-MCV (Mean cell Volume): Average size of RBC
-MCH (Mean Cell Hb): Average haemoglobin content of RBC
-RDW (red cell distribution width): Range of deviation around RBC size
more varied cell size = higher RDW (e.g. B12/folate D)
If RBCs are monomorphic (each RBC is same shape/size) = low RDW
-Reticulocyte count (doesn’t come with FBC has to be requested) - baby RBC and it is used to see if the bone marrow is working
(Iron deficient patients MCV low MCH low so not much Hb but weirdly for B12 folate deficient patients they ae big and have less RBC but their MCHC (concentration of Hb in each cell is usually normal.)
-Blood film - to view cell morphology
-Platelets - platelet count + size
What is the WBC result?
Total WBC count + differential WBC count (compare numbers of diff. types of WBC -
Neutrophils ,lymphocytes,Monocytes,Basophils and Eosinophils) - their %
What does a Blood film show ?
Morphology (Are the cells normal ?)
RBC-Size,Colour (central pallor = indicates Hb content),Shape (round, teardrop, elliptocytes, poikilocytosis), Polychromasia (blue cytoplasm = ⬆ RNA, HA), Inclusions (Heinz bodies)
WBC-Number,Normal morphology,Immature cells present?,Abnormal Cells,Inclusions?
What is polychromasia?
This is a disorder where there s an abnormal amount of immature RBC this means they stain differently
What us Poikilocytosis ?
This is when RBC have different shapes
What is Anisocytosis ?
This is when the RBC are unequal in size
Describe the blood film of iron deficiency anaeima
Ovalocytes/elliptocytes Pale cell-Hypochromic Scrappy cells Different shapes +sizes Microcytic hypchromic anaemia Anisocytosis (unequal sizes)
Describe the blood film of Macrocytic Megaloblastic anaemia
Macrocytic cells -bigger size
Central pallor is big =Hypochromic
Different shapes -Tear drop
Caused by Vitamin b12 deficieny
Gastrectomy-No intirnsic factor being produced by parietal cells in stomach
Cannot uptake B12
Not taking supplements
Describe Acquired haemolytic anaemia blood film
Spherocytes -Round cells with no central pallor = not biconcave
Polychromasia-Many baby RBCs(reticulocytes
Nucelated RBC
Antibody which destroys the patients RBC in intravascular space
Patient is jaundiced due to cells dying quickly and releasing bilurubin
Sickle cell anaemia Blood film?
Contains sickled cells (Long and moon shape) Target cells (Centarl pallor with dot in the middle (haemoglobinopathies - HbSS /HbSC),
Tear drop poikilocytosis Blood film?
Tear drop cells(Infiltration of bone marrow -scarring /cancer)
Malignant diseases
The lady has a large spleen
Neutrophil Leucocytosis?
This is when there are too many RBC and WBC and can be due to infection/dehydration as the concentration of WBC increase.
The bone marrow makes lots of cells but there is no specific reason.
What is Acute myeloblastic leukaemia
This is when blast cells are present,
The results will show very high WBC count
The high WBC is due to high blast cells (leukemia cells )
What is seen in a chronic granulocytic leakumia blood film ?
All stages of cell maturation are represented
Huge WBC count and most are flagged as neutrophils because you have all stages of maturation
BM contains the __________ of blood cells that ________ to become _____________________
- committed progenitors
- differentiate
- the mature cells that enter peripheral blood
What is microcytic hypochromic ?
Small cells lacking in colour.
Thalassaemia /Iron deficiency
What is Normocytic normochromic
Normal sized cells normal colour- renal failure,anaiaof chronic disease, aplastic anaemia, SCD
What is Macrocytic normochromic?
This is large cells with normal colour
Vit B12 deficiency, folic acid deficiency.
Anisocytosis =
Poikilocytosis =
Anisocytosis = RBCs are diff. sizes Poikilocytosis = RBCs are diff. shapes