Lab Guide 79-88 Flashcards
What are the borders of the submandibular (suprahyoid) region?
anterior and posterior digastric bellies and the inferior border for the mandible
What forms the roof of the submandibular region?
superficial layer of the cervical fascia and platysma muscle
What are the main contents of the submandibular region?
- submandibular gland, duct, and ganglion
- lingual and hypoglossal nerves
- facial artery and vein
- lymph nodes
The submandibular gland is superficial to which muscle?
the mylohyoid muscles
What vein is directly superficial to the submandibular gland?
the facial vein
NOTE: the facial artery is directly deep to the gland
What does the submental artery branch from?
the facial artery
The mylohyoid nerve is a branch of which nerve?
the inferior alveolar nerve (branch of V3)
What does the mylohyoid nerve innervate?
the mylohyoid muscle and the anterior digastric belly
What is the posterior digastric belly innervated by?
the facial nerve
What is the stylohyoid muscle innervated by?
branches of the facial nerve
What is the origin of the mylohyoid m.?
the mylohyoid line of the mandible
T or F. The mylohyoid mm. have free inferior borders
What does the geniohyoid do?
draws the mandible and hyoid toward each other
What two muscles does the deep part of the submandibular gland sit between?
the mylohyoid and hyoglossus (thus, the duct is superficial to hyoglossus)
What muscles does the submandibular duct course superficial to during its course to the sublingual caruncle?
the hyoglossus and genioglossus m.
What does the lingual nerve convey?
general somatic sensory to the mucosa of the mouth and the anterior 2/3 of the tongue, taste fibers from the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue and parasympathetic fibers to the submandibular and sublingual glands
Courses from lateral, inferior, to medial to the submandibular duct
The submandibular ganglion is suspended inferiorly from which nerve?
the lingual n.
Does the lingual artery course deep or superficial to the hyoglossus?
All of the muscles of facial expression are derived from which branchial arch?
2nd (all innervated by the facial nerve)
What muscle does the facial a. and v. ascend up the lateral face upon?
the buccinator (the buccinator has vertical fibers)
Which four muscles do the facial a. and v. run deep to in the face?
the levator labii superioris, the zygmoaticus minor and major, and the risorius
What does the facial a. terminate as near the medial aspect of the orbit?
the angular a.
Between what two muscles does the superior labial a. branch from the facial a.?
the minor and major zygomaticus m. (the facial a. also gives off the nasal a. near the top of the nose and it descends down the outside on the brim)
Does the facial v. lie lateral or medial to the facial a.?
The supraorbital n. can be found deep to which muscle?
frontalis muscle
The infraorbital n. can be found deep to which muscle?
levator labii superioris
The mental n. can be found deep to which muscle?
depressor labii inferioris
The facial a. and v. continue as what?
angular a. and v
The facial v. communicates with what venous systems?
the pterygoid plexus and the transverse facial v. However, it empties into the common facial v. which dumps into the IJV
The infraorbital n. becomes subcutaneous deep to which muscle?
the levator labii superioris
The mental n. becomes subcutaneous deep to which muscle?
the depressor labii inferioris
The buccinator can be thought of an extension of what posterior muscle from the pteryomandibular raphe?
the superior contrictor
The isthmus of the parotid gland is wedge between what structures?
posterior digastric belly and stylohyoid posteriorly and the ramus of the mandible, and its attached medial pterygoid and masseter anteriorly
The masseter m. spans which bones?
the lateral surface of the angle of the mandible and the zygomatic arch of the temporal bone
spans the SCM to masseter
The parotid duct enter the vestibule where?
opposite the upper 2nd molar tooth by piercing buccinator
What branch of the facial n. runs with the parotid duct?
buccal nerve
Behind the substance of the parotid gland, what are the three structures from superficial to deep?
facial n., retromandibular v., and external carotid with superficial temporal a., maxillary, and posterior auricular branches
The retromandibular v. forms from what?
the maxillary and superficial temporal v. just deep to the superior part of the parotid gland
Where can the superficial temporal a. be found in relation to the zygomatic arch?
just posterior to it
What three muscles arise from the styloid process?
the stylohyoid, stylopharyngeus, and the styloglossus (7,9, and 12)
What four bones contribute to the pterion?
Frontal Bone
Parietal Bone
Temporal Bone (Squamous Part)
Greater Wing of Sphenoid Bone
Which nerve passes through the mandibular notch?
masseteric branch
Describe the course of the buccal n.
Embedded in the anterior fibers of temporalis near its insertion, and becomes cutaneous at the buccal fat pad
Tributaries from the pterygoid plexus form what?
maxillary v.
What attaches to the lingua of the mandible?
the sphenomandibular ligament
What n. and a. pass through the heads of the lateral pterygoid?
the buccal n. of 5 and the maxillary a.
The medial pterygoid plate originates on which two bones?
the maxilla and the lateral plate of the sphenoid
The TMJ inserts on what two points on the temporal bone?
the articular tubercle and the mandibular fossa (and inserts on the condylar process of the mandible)
What is the anterior tonsillar pillar?
palatoglossus fold
What is the posterior tonsillar pillar?
palatopharyngeal fold
What innervates the palatopharyngeus and palatoglossus mm.?
the pharyngeal branch of the vagus
What forms the hard palate?
the palatine process of the maxilla and the horizontal process of the palatine bone