Lab Fundamentals Flashcards
_________ Establishes the minimum standards necessary to provide a safe and healthful work environment on Air Force installations
Airforce occupational safety and health
what are the purposes of AFOSH
Manage risk minimize loss of Air Force resources and protect people from occupational deaths and injuries or illnesses
What are AFOSH regulations derived from
What AFI determines when AFOSH standards are established
AFI 91-302
What list all AFOSH standards
What AFI governs AFOSH programs
AFI 91-301
What AFI assigned responsibilities to individuals or functions which helps commanders manage their safety and health programs
AFI 91-501
What safety program oversee civilian organizations
Occupational safety and health administration
Who provides labs specific safety oversight?
CLSI, GP17-A2 & ISO1519
Where is safety training documented
AF form 55
Who maintains the Air Force 55?
AFOSH inspections are conducted in accordance with
How often are a FOSH inspections
Annually alternating self inspection
Headquarter Airforce evaluates what?
Occupational illness and injury resulting in loss days
Occupational safety and health citations
Funded risk assessment code project
Death or permanent total disability resource lost or fire damage more than $1 million
Permanent partial disability temporary total disability in excess of three months resource lost our fire damage from $200,000 with less than $1 million
Loss workday mishap resource lost or fire damage from $10,000 but less than $200,000
First aid or minor medical treatment resource loss or fire damage less than $10,000 or a violation of a requirement in the stander
RAC mishap probability
A-likely to occur immediately or within a short period of time
B-probably will occur in time
C-possible to occur in time
D-unlikely to occur
RAC descriptions
- Eminent danger
- Serious
- Moderate
- Minor
- Negligible
True or false risk assessment codes are designed to reduce or eliminate eminent danger situations
Who post notice identifying RaC12 and three level hazards and any interim measures to be taken
_______ are defined as any real or potential condition that can cause injury illness or death of personnel or damage to or loss of equipment or property
________ establish hazardous communication
OSHA act of 1970
When was 29CFR1910.1200 implemented
Hazardous communication chemical labeling
Red- Flammatory
Blue- health
White- special
Yellow- reactivity
What does the hazardous communication plan consist of
Chemical labeling MSDS Hazard determination written implementation plan employee training trade secrets
_______ is a logic-based commonsense approach to making calculating decisions on human material and environmental factors before during and after Air Force missions activities and operations on and off duty
Operational risk management
What are the goals of ORM?
Enhance mission effectiveness at all levels
Integrate ORM into mission processes
Create an Air Force in which every leader airman and employee is trained and motivated to manage risk in all there on and off duty activities
Identify opportunities to increase Air Force war fighting effectiveness on the battlefield and an operational aerospace environment
ORM principles
Make risky decision at the appropriate level
Accept no unnecessary risk
Accept risk and benefits outweigh the cost
Integrate ORM into operations and planning at all levels
Six step ORM process
- Identify the hazards
- Assess the risk
- Analyzed wrist control measures
- Make control decisions
- Implement wrist controls
- Supervise and review
List the information that is included on material safety data sheet or MSDS
Manufactures name Hazardous ingredients Physical and chemical characteristics Fire and explosion data Physical hazards Special precautions and spill/leak procedures Special protection information
Chemical hygiene plan includes what
Criteria for methods of monitoring chemical exposure
SOPS for handling hazardous chemicals
Criteria for implementing engineering controls
Use of personal protective equipment and personal hygiene requirements
Specific measures to monitor performance of fume hoods and other protective equipment
Provisions for medical consultation and examination
Designation of chemical hygiene officer
What chemical category or hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide
What chemical category are caused by organic solvents & chlorinated hydrocarbons? can also be interested inhaled or absorbed through the skin
Toxic substances
What chemical category causes malignant tumors in animals and humans, should be clearly labeled and handled and isolated areas
What chemical Category maternal exposure can cause fetal death or abnormalities?
Mutagens & teratogens
What chemical category is limited to 1 pint in glass container
Ignitable substances
True or false compressed gas is must be securely fastened to the wall or a bench at all times even when empty
What biological safety level is used for indigenous or exotic Agents
What biological safety levels require physical separation from access code doors self closing double door access exhausted air not recirculated and negative airflow to the lab? Agents are dangerous and exotic and include aerosol transmitted by infections and life-threatening diseases
Agents not known to consistently cause disease and healthy adults stand or microbiological practices secondary barrier includes a open benchtop sink
Agents are associated with human disease hazards include ingestion percutaneous injury and you kiss membrane exposure access will be limited biohazard warning signs will be posted
Category a
Highest risk to transmit person to person high mortality rate most likely to call public panic
Includes anthrax clostridium botulinum toxin plagueSmallpox viral hemorrhagic fever’s
Category B
Moderately easy to transmit moderate mobility low mortality
Includes: glanders ricin toxin SEB clostridium perfrimigens
Category C
Easily accessible emerging pathogen‘s for future attacks potential for high mobility and mortality
Include hantavirus TB yellow fever
______Perform serum chemistries hemoglobin and hematocrit and blood gases
I stay
______ is a chemistry analyzer
Being truthful straightforward and candid
What is quality planning
Design implement in validation of methods and processes In the laboratory
_________Measures or monitors daily performance determined effectiveness of labs operation
Quality assessment
Identifies analytical processes SOP‘s and Personnel policies and procedures should depict daily operations in a laboratory
Quality laboratory process
Identifies problem and find workable solutions
Ultimate goal is to establish a new quality lab process that eliminates the process error and establishes an affective QC plan that identifies future problems
Quality improvement
Monitoring of work process is detecting problems and making corrections prior to delivery of product or service is
Quality control
_______Our pool serum of which values for each constituent have been pre-determined by the manufacture
Assayed control
The closeness of an analytical result to the actual value
Reproducibility of results or closeness of attain values to each other
The ability of a procedure to consistently measure what is supposed to be measured
The ability to detect my new levels or concentration of a substance
A procedure that is accurate precise and specific
The avoidance of a fix pattern in the placement of controls in a run
A simple average of test results
The range of distribution of values about that mean
Standard deviation
Char used to plot and graphically represent quality control data
Leavy Jennings chart
A percentage value that represents how far the average result varies from the mean
Coefficient of variation
Most frequent value in an order side of
The middle value in an order set of numbers
Arrangement of statistical data that demonstrates the occurrence of a value of a variable
Frequency distribution
Values are arranged in a bullshit curve or QC should have a normal distribution
Normal distribution
CAP Deficiencies
Phase 0= Informational only
Phase 1
Deficiencies that may not seriously affect patient care or welfare of lab workers
Phase 2
Major deficiencies that may have serious effect on patient care or of the lab worker
Order of draw
Sterile red blue green