Lab Final Flashcards
What is Microplusin?
Antimicrobial Peptide
What are antimicrobial peptides?
Peptides that help attack bacteria
Is the antimicrobial peptide that we are working with anionic or cationic?
What organism is Microplusin derived from?
Isolated from the cell-free hemolymph and egg of the tick Boophilus microplus
What is PRSETA?
It is a vector used for high level protein expression
PRESTA has an antibiotic resistance gene to what antibiotic?
What are competent cells?
Cells that can uptake foreign DNA
Define transformation.
Foreign DNA introduced into a cell
What type of E. coli were used the transformation?
What media was used to grow the transformed cells?
LB Media
What antibiotic was used?
Describe the Lac Operon
Cluster of genes used to regulate lactose
What is heat shock and why is it performed?
To form pores in the cell for DNA uptake
What is IPTG? How does it work?
IPTG is an inducer that mimics lactose and is used to induce protein expression
For how many hours did we incubate the induced protein after induction with IPTG?
4 hours