Lab Final Flashcards
A triplet and a quartet in the same NMR spectrum suggest that ________ is present
an ethyl group
A tall doublet and a small multiplet of greater than or equal to 7 spikes in the same spectrum suggests __________
an isopropyl group
sp3 hybridized C-H stretches have a spike ________.
just below 3000 cm-1
sp2 hybridized (double bond) C-H stretches have a spike _______
just above 3000 cm-1
sp hybridized (triple bond) C-H stretches have a spike _____________
around 3300 cm-1 (sharp)
Aldehydes have a C=O stretch around
1725 cm-1
aldehydes have __ C-H stretches at
2820 cm-1
2720 cm-1
the C=O stretch of ketones is around
1710 cm-1
Carboxylic acids have a C=O stretch around
1710 cm-1
carboxylic acids have _______ O-H stretch around
a broad
2500-3500 cm-1
The C=O stretch of an ester occurs around
1725 cm-1
Amides have C=O stretches between
1630 -1660 cm-1
O-H stretches of alcohols have broad spikes with ________ centered around _____________
rounded tip
3300 cm-1
Primary amines and amides have an N-H spike
with two spikes around 3400 cm-1 and 3500 cm-1
secondary amines and amides have an N-H spike
around 3350 cm-1