Lab Exam 2 Flashcards
Palmaris longus m
O: Medial epicondyle
I: Palmar aponeurosis…
A: wrist flexion, weak elbow flexion
Flexor carpi radialis m.
O: medial epicondyle or humerus
I: base second and third metacarpals, anterior (palmar surface)
A: wrist flexion, abd wrist, weak elbow flexion, weak pronation
Flexor carpi ulnaris
O: medial epicondyle, posteror aspect of prox ulna
I: pisiform, hamate, base of 5th mc (palmar)
A: wrist flexion, abd wrist, weak elbow flexion
Extensir carpi ulnaris
O: lateral epicondyle, middle two-fourths posteror ulna
I: base 5th mc
A: wrist ext, wrist add, weak elbow ext
Extensor digiti minimi
O: lat epicondyle
I: base middle and distal phalanxes of 5th phalange
A: ext of little finger at mcp joint, weak wrist and elbow ext
Extensor digitorum
O: lat epicondyle
I: four tendons to bases of middle and distal phalanges of four fingers (dorsal)
A: ext of 2-5th phalanges at mcp joints, ext of wrist, weak ext of elbow
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
O: lat epicondyle
I: base of 3rd mc (dorsal)
A: ext of wrist, abd wrist, weak elbow ext
Extensor carpi radialis longus
O: lower third lateral supracondylar ridge and lat epicondyle
I: base of 2nd mc (dorsal)
A: ext of wrist, abd wrist, weak elbow ext, weak pronation
Flexor digitorum superficialis
O: medial epicondyle, ulnar head: coronoid process, radial head: upper 2/3 ant border of radius distal to radial tuberosity
I: sides of middle phalanx of four digits (palmar)
A: flexion fingers at mcp and pip joints, flex wrist, weak elbow flexion
Flexor digitorum profundus
O: proximal 3/4 ant and medial ulna
I: base of distal phalanx of four fingers
A: flexion of four fingers at mcp, pip, and dip joints, wrist flexion
Flexor pollicis longus
O: middle ant surface of radius and ant medial border of ulna distal to coronoid process
I: base distal phalanx of thumb (palmar)
A: flexion of thumb cmc, mcp, ip joints, flexion, abd wrist
Extensor indicis
O: middle to distal 1/3 of post ulna
I: base middle and distal phalanxes of 2nd phalange (dorsal)
A: ext index finger at mcp joint, weak wrist ext, weak sup from pro position
Extensor pollicis longus
O: post lateral surface of lower middle ulna
I: base of distal phalanx of thumb (dorsal)
A: ext thumb at cmc, mcp, ip joints, wrist ext and abd, weak sup from pronated position
Extensor pollicis brevis
O: post surface lower middle radius
I: base proximal phalanx of thumb (dorsal)
A: ext thumb at cmc and mcp joints, weak wrist ext and abd
Abductor pollicis longus
O: post aspect of radius and midshaft ulna
I: base 1st mc (dorsal)
A: abd and ext thumb at cmc joint, abd wrist, weak sup from pro position
O: iliacus: inner surface ilium psoas: transverse processes l1-5, intervertebral fibrocartilages
I: lesser trochanter, p minor: pectineal line and eminence
A: flex hip and lumbar spine, ext rot hip
Rectus femoris
O: AIIS above acetabulum
I: superior aspect of patella and patellar tendor to tib tuberosity
A: hip flex, knee ext
I: ant medial condyle of tibia
A: Hip: flexion, abd, ext rot as it flexes hip and knee
Knee: flexion, int rot
O: ischial tuberosity
I: ant medial surface of tibia just below condyle
A: Hip: ext, int rot
Knee: flex, int rot
O: ischial tuberosity
I: posteromedial surface of medial tibia condyle
A: Hip: ext, int rot
Knee: flex, int rot
Biceps femoris
O: long head: ischial tuberosity
Short head: lower half linea aspera and lateral condyloid ridge
I: lateral condyle of tibia and head of fibula
A: Hip: ext, ext rot
Knee: flex, ext rot
Gluteus maximus
O: posterior surface crest of ilium, post surface sacrum and coccyx
I: gluteal tuberosity and IT band
A: Hip: ext, ext rot, upper fibers: abd, lower fibers: hip add
Gluteus medius
O: lateral surface ilium just below crest
I: post and middle surfaces of greater trochanter
A: Hip: abd, ant fibers: int rot & flex, post fibers: ext rot & ext
Gluteus minimus
O: lateral surface of ilium below origin of gluteus medius
I: ant surface greater trochanter
A: Hip: abd, int rot as femur abd, flex
Tensor fascia latae
O: ant iiac crest and surface just below crest
I: 1/4 down thigh into IT tract
A: Hip: abd, flex, int rot as hip flexes
O: space 1 inch wide on fromt of pubis just above crest
I: rough line leading from less troch to linea aspera (pect line of femur)
A: Hip: flex, add, ext rot
Adductor Longus
O: ant pubis just below crest
I: middle third of linea aspera
A: Hip: add, assists with hip flexion
Adductor brevis
O: front of inf ramus below origin of longus
I: lower 2/3 pect line and upper 1/2 medial linear aspera
A: Hip: add, ext rot as it add’s, assists with flex
O: Anteromedial edge of descending ramus of pubis
I: anterior medial sirface tibia below condyle
A: Hip: add, int rot, assists with flex
Knee: flex, int rot
Adductor magnus
O: edge of entire ramus of pubis and ischium and ischia tuberosity
I: whole length of linea aspera, inner condyloid ridge, adductor tubercle (find on exam)
A: Hip: add, ext rot as hip add’s, ext
Six deep ext rotators
- piriformis
- gemellus sup and inf
- obturator ext and int
- quadrate femoris
O: ant sacrum, post ischium, obt foramen
I: sup and post aspect of greater trochanter
A: external rot of hip
Vastus intermedius
O: upper 2/3 ant surface of femur
I: upper border patella and patellar tendon to tib tuberosity
A: ext of knee
Vastus lateralis
O: intertrochanteric line, ant inf borders of greater troch, gluteal tuberosity, upper 1/2 linea aspera, entire lateral intermuscular septum
I: lateral border of patella and patellar tendon to tib tuberosity
A: ext of knee
Vastua medialis
O: whole length of linea aspera and medial condyloid ridge
I: medial half upper border of patella and patellar tendon to tib tuberosity
A: ext of knee
O: post surface lateral condyle of femur
I: upper post medial surface of tibia
A: flexion of knee and int rot of knee
O: medial head: post surface medial femoral condyle
Lateral head: post surface of lateral condyle
I: post surface of calc (achilles tendon)
A: ankle plantarflexion, knee flexion
O: post surface prox fibula and prox 2/3 of post tibial surface
I: post surface calc
A: plantarflexion of ankle
Peroneus longus
O: head and upper 2/3 lateral surface of fibula
I: undersurfaces of medial cuneiform and 1st metatarsal bones
A: eversion of foot, ankle plantarflexion
Peroneus brevis
O: mid to lower 2/3 lateral surface of fibula
I: tuberosity of 5th metatarsal
A: eversion of foot, ankle plantarflexion
Peroneus tertius
O: distal 1/3 ant fibula
I: superior aspect of base of 5th metatarsal
A: eversion of foot, ankle dorsiflexion
Extensor digitorum longus
O: lateral condyle tibia, head fibula, upper 2/3 ant surface tibia
I: tops of middle and distal phalanges of four lesser toes
A: extension of four lesser toes, dorsiflexion ankle, eversion of foot
Extensor hallucis longus
O: middle 2/3 medial surface of ant fibula
I: top of base of distal phalanx of great toe
A: dorsiflexion of ankle, ext of great toe, weak inversion of foot
Tibialis anterior
O: upper 2/3 lateral surface of tibia
I: inner surface of medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bone
A: dorsiflexion ankle, inversion of foot
Tibialis posterior
O: post surface of upper 1/2 interosseus membrane and adjacent surfaces of tibia and fibula
I: lower inner surfaces of navicular and cuneiform bones and bases of 2-5 metatarsal bones
A: ankle plantarflexion, inversion of foot
Flexor hallucis longus
O: middle 2/3 post surface of fibula
I: base distal phalanx of big toe under the surface
A: flexion of great toe, inversion of foot, ankle plantarflexion
Flexor digitorum longus
O: middle 1/3 of post surface of tibia
I: base of distal phalanx of each of four lesser toes
A: flexion of four lessor toes, ankle plantarflexion, inversion of foot