Lab Exam 1 Flashcards
- colony forming unit - the beginning cell/cells that started the colony. Often unknown how many cells started the colony
- plaque forming unit - unknown how many phages began the plaque
Oil Immersion
- oil has the same refractive index as glass. Unrefracted light rays
- only used for 100X lens
- increases resolution/resolving power
Aseptic technique
- flame tube neck
- flame sterilize innoculating loop/needle
- minimize contamination of sample
- maintain pure culture (needed for Koch’s postulate)
-bacteria are everywhere
Koch’s Postulate
germ theory
- association - microbe in diseased animal but not healthy animal
- isolation - microbe isolated in pure culture, requires aseptic technique. One disease causing agent in culture
- causation - animal innoculated with isolated microbe to and causes same disease
- reisolation - isolate same microbe from diseased animal
Colony Morphology
- configuration
- margins
- elevation
- texture (moist mucoid dry)
- color (shiny, dull, opaque, translucent)
may be effected by media, temperature, age
Aseptic technique method (quadrant streak)
- label the agar side initials, date, procedure
- light bunsen burner
- sterilize innoculating loop
- swirl tube
- take lid off and flame neck
- dip loop into tube
- streak plate several times
- sterilize loop each time and streak 3 more times
Parts of Microscope
- ocular
- nose piece
- objective lens
- stage
- condenser
- diaphragm
- coarse and fine knobs
- light control
Resolution - clarity
Resolving power - number used to determine smallest distance between two distinguishable objects
Resolving power = 0.61 (wavelength) / numerical aperture
-normally nm unit. Lower wavelength is better for human eyes
parcentric - keeps centered through objectives
parfocal - remains relatively focused through objectives
primary/secondary containment
- primary - protect people in the lab
- secondary - protect the environment
BSL 1-4
Bio Safety Level
- dependent on pathogenicity
1. not known to cause diseaes in healthy people
2. easily contained. can cause disease to healthy people
3. can cause severe disease, inhalable
4. highly virulent, extreme risk, inhalable
Microscope light path
light source
objective lens
ocular lens
Types of stains
- differential - use to determine the difference in structures, shape, size, arrangement (gram stain)
- negative - stain background and improve contrast (capsule stain)
- pro to negative staining is no heat fixed slide. No heat shrinkage of cells
- simple stains - cells stained and contrast to light background
- structural stain - highlights a specific structure
-result of a single cell/CFU dividing numerous times in order to produce millions of cells