LAB EXAM #1 Flashcards
Why is it important for pathogen and toxin use in Canada to be federally regulated?
Reduce accidents, increase saftey.
Ensure proceedure and standard protocall is the same accross Canada.
What are RG2 organisms?
Moderate risk to individuals, low risk to public health.
Capable of causeubg serious disease but unlikely due to effective medication and preventable measures along with low spread risk.
What is the difference between RG1,2,3,4?
RG1- will not cause disease in healthy individual
RG2- Can cause disease, treatable and preventable
RG3- Will cause serious disease, may not be treatable or preventable
RG4- Will cause death, hugfhly cointageious, not preventable or treatable
What is a containment zone?
An area that is up to standard for specific conainmengt level.
What are the 4 pillars of engineering saftey?
- Engineering control- physical saftey controls related to lab, ex. Closed and locked doors
- Administrative control- behind the scenes control administarted by camosun biological saftey officer.
- Standardized oporating proceedure- following proceedure wnen entering or exiting lab.
- Personal protective equitment- lab coats
What is SOP for entering lab?
- Place bags and belongings away
- Put on lab coat
- Disinfect table/surfaces
- Wash hands
What is POS for exiting lab after working with RG2 organisms?
- Remove gloves - autovlave
- Wash hands - garbage
- Sanatize work bench - garbage
- Take off lab coat
- Wash hands - harbage
- Grab belongings
- Exit lab
How does soap work?
Squeezes itself between oil molecules on your skin, (microorganims and viruses/pions adhear to these oils) then removes oils and dirt.
How do you use a microscope?
- Carry holding base and neck
- Plug in and turn on light source
- Lower course focus knob, and place revolving nosepiece to lowest objective (10x)
- Place specimine securly in specimine holder.
- Using condenser knob, lift condeser a paper thickness away from up-most possition
- Raise stage all the way till it stops uging course focus knob
- Look through oclar lenses and lower stage untill specimine is clear
- Focus on specimine using fine focus lense
- Begin increaseing objective and continue adjusting with fine focus knob
- When reacges 100x objective (oil immursion lense) turn objectives on an angle, place drop of oil directly on specamine, allow 100x objective to touch oil but not slide. Use kim whip to clean both slide and lense.
What are the differet types of stains?
- Simple stain - stains everything the same colour
- Structural stain - used to identify specific parts of microorganisms ex. Campsules or spores
- Differential stain - uses multiple reagents cuaseing bacterial cells/structures to stain differently.
How does the Modified Gin’s Capsul stain/Negative stain work?
Used when staining bacteriacl capsules or glycocalyx because of the gelatenous, non-ionic layer sourounding the bacterial cell, the stain will not stick, staining everythig includidng the backround, leaving the structure of interest unstained. (A counter stain can be used however.)
How does a GM stain work?
Gm+ bacterial cells are surrounded by a thick peptidoglycan layer and teichoic acid, meaning first stained used will dye the cells.
Gm- bacterial cells are surropunded by a thin peptidoglycan layer and then an outter layer (LPS) that will stain only after the second stain is used.
What are the 4 steps to performing a GM stain?
- Primary stain (Crystal violet) - posatvily charges cationic dye, stains all cells pruple.
- Mordant (grams’ Iodine) - crystal violet and iodine combine forming an insouluble complex (Cyrstal violet- iodine complex)
- Decoulorizer (Acetone- alcohol) - deteriates GM- outter layer removing stain, dehidrates and sets in GM+ purple stain.
- Countrer stain (Safranin) - stains colourless GM- peptidoglycan layer pink.
How do you make a smear from broth culture?
- Mix culture well
- Use a greased pencil to draw cirlcles on a slide, then using a sterile innoculating loop to stransfer multiple loop-fulls into the circle and spread
How do you make a smear from a colonly growing on a solid media?
- Draw with greased pencil, place steril water inside.
2. Using steril loop obtain small amounyt of culture to water and mix.
What is the purpose of heat fixing / fixation?
fixation kills bacteria, perserves morpholgy and adhears cells to the slide.
What does it mean if a bacteria passes teh string test? Whats happening?
With Gm- bacteria, the KOH dissolves the outer layer (LPS) exposing the bacteria cell’s DNA which attaches to the loop. GM+ has too think of a layer for the KOH to reach the DNA
What is sub-culturing?
Aseptically handling bateria and moving it from one grown media to another.
What guidlines showuld always be followed when working w/ bacteria transfer aseptically?
- Work close to a flame (rising hot air protects cultures and media from airborn contamination (microorganisms)
- Never place culture caps, lids or tubes of work benches
- Angle petri dish lid to form a barrier between culture abd the air above.
- Avoid talking and work quickly