uses a single lens to view objects
uses light to view objects
Composition of compound microscope
Oculars or Eyepiece
Types of compound microscope
A. Bright-field Microscope
B.Dark-field Microscope
C.Flouresence Microscope
D.Phase-contrast Microscope
most commonly used type of
microscope in routine microscopy
Bright-field Microscope
produce a dark image on a bright
Bright-field Microscope
uses transmitted light to observe
targets at high magnification
Bright-field Microscope
a brightfield microscope that is
arranged so that the light source is
blocked off, causing light to scatter
as it hits the specimen
Dark-field Microscope
produces a bright image on a dark
Dark-field Microscope
Coupling compound that bind to certain cellular components
biological microscope that
observes fluorescence emitted by
samples by using special light
sources such as mercury lamps
Flouresence Microscope
allows coupling compounds such
as fluorescein to bind to certain
cellular components
Flouresence Microscope
visualizes minute surface
irregularities by using light
Phase-contrast Microscope
commonly used to observe living
cells without staining them
Phase-contrast Microscope
ability of a microscope to produce an image of an object at a scale
larger than its actual size
combination of the eyepieces and the
objective lens
Total Magnification
Ocular lens magnification =
4 objective lenses
A. scanning
B. low power field
C. high power field
D. Oil immersion
scanning =
low power field =
high power field =
Oil immersion =
Total Magnification formula
Total Magnification = Ocular lens x Objective lens
ability of a microscope to distinguish details
of a specimen or sample
Resolution/ Resolving Power
▪︎ wavelength
▪︎ numerical aperture
Resolution/Resolving Power
ability to gather
light and to resolve fine specimen detail
while working at a fixed object (or
specimen) distance
numerical aperture
Also called cell culture dish
Petri Dish
named after its inventor, German
bacteriologist, Julius Richard Petri
Petri Dish
a shallow transparent covered dish used
to culture cells, such as bacteria or fungi
Petri Dish
Has a transparent body allow researchers to
constantly monitor contents
Culture Tubes
shaped for easier retrieval and minimal
sample loss
Culture Tubes
extremely resistant to accommodate any
operation or harsh sample
Culture Tubes
ability of a microscope to stay relatively in
focus as the user switches among the
Scanning + course adjustment
also called a smear loop, inoculation
wand, microstreaker, wire loop
Inoculating loop
consists of a thin handle with a loop
about 5 mm wide or smaller at the end
Inoculating Loop
used to pick up and transfer a small
sample (inoculum) from a culture of
microorganisms into a petri dish
Inoculating Loop
streaking technique
Inoculating Loop
are used when fingers are too
large to grasp small objects
when many objects need to be
held at one time
in Bacteriology lab,used for
handling glass slides during the
staining process
holds multiple microscopic
slides simultaneously for
staining process
Staining Rack
used to transfer and inoculate living
Inoculating Needle
made from nichrome or platinum
wire affixed to a metallic handle
Inoculating Needle
base of the needle is dulled, resulting in
a blunted end
Inoculating Needle
stabbing technique
Inoculating Needle
used for steaming or heating
process tubes, flasks or beakers
Water Bath
used to hold specimen viewed
under the microscope
Glass slides | Cover slips
device used to measure the distance
between two opposite sides of an
object (usually diameter)
Vernier Caliper
In antibiotic susceptibility testing:
• to measure the zone of inhibition
Vernier Caliper
candle flame will consume most
of O2
in the jar & will produce an
elevated level of CO2
Candle Jar
these conditions are ideal for
growth of microaerophilic
Candle Jar
Filter paper disks impregnated with
standardized concentration of an
antimicrobial agent
Antibiotic Discs
Used in susceptibility testing
Antibiotic Discs
used to grow microorganism
in optimum temperatures
usual temperature of incubation
is 35-37°C
maintains a constant
temperature specifically
suitable for growth of a
specific microbe
“Steam under pressure”
used to sterilize liquid substances such as prepared media,
solutions, glasswares
water is boiled in a closed containerto reach 100°C
steambuilds up inside the autoclave increasing the
temperature much beyond 100°C
pressure reaches 15 pounds/in2 or 15 psi
temperature reaches 121°c
Sterility time of autoclave
15 minutes
high temperature is required to kill all bacteria including
heat resistantspore-formers
Air curtain prevent organism to go outside,if
the glass panel is closed (UV would turn on) and vice versa
Glass panel
enclosed, ventilated laboratory workspace for safely
working with materials contaminated with (or
potentially contaminated with) pathogens requiring a
defined biosafety level
Biosafety Cabinet / Hood
several different types of BSC exist, differentiated by the
degree of biocontainment required
Biosafety Cabinet / Hood
Types of BSC cabinets
Class I
Class II
Class III
Hepa filter is used to filter air before it is released
Class I
Personnel and Environmental protection
Class I
Personnel are protected by moving air away from them
Class I
Product, personnel and environment protection
Class II
Has four subtypes (A1, A2, B1, B2)
Class II
High Risk biological agents
Class III
Maximum protection
Class III
Known as “glove box”
Class III
Any material passes through a double door – door autoclave
Class III
food for the organism
Culture Medium
provide similar environmental and
nutritional conditions that exist in
the natural habitat of a bacterium
Culture Medium
Contains water, source of carbon
and energy, source of nitrogen,
trace elements and some growth
Culture Medium
Types of Culture Medium
- Enriched media
- Enrichment media
- Selective media
- Differential media
used to grow micro-organisms of a wide variety
contains high nutrition in form of egg yolk or blood serum so on
Enriched Media
selective medium used to grow specific microogranism
prevent contaminating microbes from growing
Enrichment media
Solid media
Selective media
differentiate kinds of bacteria
Differential media