Lab Cumulative Final Flashcards
Periaqueductal Grey
Fleeing & Freezing, pain reduction (analgesia).
“Island”, visceral perception, “what is heart doing”, experiencing emotions,
Basal Ganglia
procedural memories
Basal Ganglia: caudate
gray matter
Basal Ganglia: putamen
striations (striped)
Basal Ganglia: globus pallidus
white matter, helps inhibit sub thalamic nuclei
Corona Radiata
subset of corpus callous, white matter, “crown” that radiates through cortex
pre motor, supplementary motor
Broca’s area
production of speech
Wernicke’s area
comprehension of speech
declarative memories, sensory processing, projects to amygdala.
Subthalamic Nuclei
excites PMC/SMC
Parkinsons Disease
when substantia nigra is damaged so inhibition of sub thalamic nuclei is weaker
runs through cingulate, white matter, projects to entorhinal cortex.
Papez Circuit
circuit that is key for encoding new declarative memories
Anterior Cingulate
kickstart the encoding of papez circuit, shocking things you remember more
Entorhinal Cortex
gateway to hippocampus
encodes memories, but does NOT store or retrieve memories
Mammillary Bodies
Projects to anterior thalamus, is damaged Korsakoff’s syndrome
Korsakoff’s syndrome
usually caused by alcoholism, affects memory
Mammillothalamic Tract
tract that projects from mamm. to thalamus. Projects to anterior thalamus.
actively retrieves memories (thinking about what gma looks like). retrieves declarative memories (working memory).
next to hippocampus, tucked into temporal lobe. “hub” for negative emotions, cranks UP HPA.
This connects 2 amygdale
Anterior commissure
The 4 places amygdala projects to:
HPA axis, sympathetic ns, locus coeruleus, periaqueductal grey
Suprachiasmatic N.
uses light cues (zeitgebers), projects to pineal, above optic chiasm.
floor of corpus callosum, connects hippocampus to mammillary
Cerebral Aqueduct
connects 3rd & 4th ventricles, under tectum.
Tear shaped thing, “makes party look less fun”.
Dorsolateral PFC
working memory, help prevent mind wandering
Ventromedial PFC
sense of self, inhibit for future self
Orbitofrontal PFC
updating reward values (after eating a lot of a food, don’t want it no more)
Reticular Formation
VTA (produces dopamine), substantia nigra (dopamine), locus coeruleus (norepinephrine), raphe nuclei (serotonin)(projects everywhere)
Central NS
brain & spinal cord
regulates the 4 F’s (fight, flight, feeding, fucking)
Pineal Gland
in front of tectum, releases melatonin
Anterior Commissure
little dot in front of thalamus
Posterior Commissure
connects 2 superior colliculi, in between pineal & thalamus