Lab Cumulative Final Flashcards
Periaqueductal Grey
Fleeing & Freezing, pain reduction (analgesia).
“Island”, visceral perception, “what is heart doing”, experiencing emotions,
Basal Ganglia
procedural memories
Basal Ganglia: caudate
gray matter
Basal Ganglia: putamen
striations (striped)
Basal Ganglia: globus pallidus
white matter, helps inhibit sub thalamic nuclei
Corona Radiata
subset of corpus callous, white matter, “crown” that radiates through cortex
pre motor, supplementary motor
Broca’s area
production of speech
Wernicke’s area
comprehension of speech
declarative memories, sensory processing, projects to amygdala.
Subthalamic Nuclei
excites PMC/SMC
Parkinsons Disease
when substantia nigra is damaged so inhibition of sub thalamic nuclei is weaker
runs through cingulate, white matter, projects to entorhinal cortex.
Papez Circuit
circuit that is key for encoding new declarative memories