Lab Flashcards
order of exam
- inspection
- auscultation
- percussion
- palpation
auscultate abdominal quadrants in order
- right lower quadrant
- right upper quadrant
- left upper quadrant
- left lower quadrant
auscultate abdominal arteries in order
- aorta
- renal arteries (bilateral)
- iliac arteries (bilateral)
- femoral arteries (bilateral)
aorta artery location
1/2 distance between xiphoid and umbilicus
renal artery location
lateral to aorta, below ribs
iliac arteries location
from asis 1/2 way across to midline
femoral arteries location
above or below midpoint of inguinal ligament
aorta palpation
- 2 hands wide apart on upper abdomen on either side of aorta
- angle hands towards midline press slowly and deeply into the abdomen to feel edges of aorta
normal bowl sounds rate
5-34 per min
abnormal bowl sounds rate
no bowl sounds after auscultating for 5 min
normal artery sounds
abnormal artery sounds
whooshing = bruits
what does hyperperistalsis indicate (incr. bowel sounds)
diarrhea or early obstruction
what absence of bowel sounds indicate
late obstruction or generalized peritonitis
bruits is due to what
stenosis or obstruction
friction rubs for spleen and liver indicate
inflammation of the peritoneal surface and liver capsule
how to listen for bruits in liver and spleen
ask pt to hold breath
how to listen for friction rubs in liver and spleen
pt breathe slowly and deeply with open mouth
percussion of abdominal quadrants
pt supine with knees bent
start with lower rt quadrant then clockwise
percussion of liver
normal midclavicular size
normal midsternal size
inhale deeply and hold breath, percuss up then down
percuss over midclavicular line 6-12 cm
percuss over midsternal line 4-8 cm
normal percussion sounds over 4 quadrants
abnormal percussion sounds over 4 quadrants
dull tone over midline of lower abs indicate
full bladder, pregnant, tumor, fluid/feces
dull tone over gastric area indicate
normal percussion sound of liver
shifting dullness significance
more than 500ml of fluid is ascites
pt supine: fluid collects around flanks
shifting dullness procedure
percussion is tympanic on side far from table
percussion is dull on side neat table
ascites is caused by
portal hypertension from cirrhosis, tumor, aids, cancer
percussion of spleen
percuss at lowest 10th intercostal anterior to the axillary line
pt exhale, doc percuss all of exhale then pt inhale, doc percuss all of inhale
normal percussion sounds of spleen
tympany on exhale
tympany on inhale
abnormal percussion sounds of spleen
tympany on exhale
dull on inhale
abnormal finding of spleen percussion means
large spleen (splenomegaly)
causes of splenomegaly
hemolytic anemia
portal hypertension
superficial and deep palpation of abdominal quadrants w/ rebound tenderness
stand pt right side
pt supine w/ knees bent
superficial palpation
feel for
gently and thoroughly palpate all 4 quadrants
areas of tenderness
deep palpation
pt exhale to palpate more deeply
use smooth circles
rebound tenderness
start where
slow pressure in –> quick release
begin in quadrant away from tender area
rebound tenderness means
what sign
generalized peritonitis
blumberg sign
involuntary guarding decreases
on exhale
involuntary guarding will persist..
suggests what
despite relaxation maneuvers
involuntary guarding means
abnormal finding of tenderness throughout abdomen along w/ broad like muscular rigidity
generalized peritonitis
pain and tenderness w/ muscles spasm
peritoneal inflammation
blumberg sign is synonymous with
rebound tenderness
blumberg sign is when
pain is increased on rapid withdrawl of pressure
area of tenderness is likely location of peritoneal inflammation
roving sign and what it suggests
press on LLQ: increased tnederness in LRQ
suggests appendicitis
liver palpation method
hand under pt right rib
pt inhale and hold
smooth circular motion
liver cirrhosis signs
not tender, firm hard, regular or irregular margin
liver hepatitis signs
tender, soft, smooth margin
liver cancer signs
might be tender, hard texture, irregular margin
normal liver signs
non tender, soft, smooth margin
galbladder palpation method
feeds hands under ribcage on pt’s exhale
hold the hand in region of the galbladder as pt inhale