lab 8 AOI's Flashcards
A: raises eyebrows
O: epicranial aponeurosis
I: skin of the eyebrows and root of the nose
A: pulls scalp posteriorly
O: occipital and temporal bones
I: epicranial aponeurosis
A: closes jaw; elevates and retracts mandible
O: temporal fossa
I: coronoid process of mandible
A: prime mover of jaw closure, elevated mandible
O: zygomatic arch and zygomatic bone
I: angle and ramus of mandible
Medial pterygoid
A: acts with the lateral pterygoid muscle to protrude mandible and promote side-to-side movements
O: medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone; maxilla and palatine bone
I: medial surface of mandible near the angle
Lateral pterygoid
A: provides forward sliding and side-to-side movement of the lower teeth
O: greater wing and lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone
I: condyle of mandible and temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Zygomaticus (major)
A: raises lateral corners of the mouth upwards (smiling)
O: zygomatic bone
I: skin and muscle at the corners of the mouth
Buccinator (muscle of mastication)
A: compresses cheek; draws corner of mouth laterally
O: molar region of maxilla and mandible
I: orbicularis oris
A: Tenses the skin of neck; depresses mandible
O: fascia of chest
I: lower margin of mandible; skin and muscle at corner of mouth
Orbicularis oculi
A: closes eye; produces blinking and squinting ; draws eyebrows inferiorly
O: frontal and maxillary bones; ligaments around orbit
I: tissue of eyelid
Orbicularis oris
A: closes lips; purses and protrudes lips
O: maxilla and mandible
I: skin and muscle at angles of the mouth
Levator labii superioris
A: opens lips; raises and furrows the upper lip
O: zygomatic bone and infraorbital margin of maxilla
I: skin and muscle of upper lip
Depressor labii inferioris
A: draws lower lip inferiorly
O: body of mandible lateral to its midline
I: skin and muscle of lower lip
A: flexes and laterally rotates head; neck flexion and rotation of neck
O: manubrium of sternum; medial portion of clavicle
I: mastoid process of temporal bone; superior nuchal line of occipital bone
A: elevation of ribs 1&2; lateral flexion and rotation of neck
O: transverse processes of C3-7 vertebrae
I: ribs 1-2