LAB Flashcards
5 leg check categories
Start with leg short
Start with balanced leg
General start to technique
Approach patient, check legs, look for short leg, flex legs, look for derifeld, start check for cervical syndrome then adjust cervical syndrome….
Right balance, left stays short
RCS - palpate L
No tender nodule - RP atlas toggle
CS categories
UCS Atlas OCCS DL Post Lock
Cervical drop
1 time
Pelvis drop
3-5 times
UCS left balance
Leg short, left balance = LCS - tender nodule = body right
Atlas left balance
LCS, no tender nodules = RP atlas
OCCS LHR balance
LCS Multiple tender nodules C2-6 Decreasing spinous rotation Torticollis Chronic C2 Severely stuck SI on same side
Adjust Rigth 1st rib
Double Lock
RHR and LHR legs balance
Palpate both side tender nodule 2 places opp side
Adjust higher, then rechekc
Post Lock
Right and left balance
2 segments opp side, same segment
Balanced legs, right and left rotation unbalance and tender C2 SP
15 degree lower tilt on cervical piece, pt tucks chin
Balance, RHR and LHR balance flex,
Children and extreme athletes
Short leg becomes long
Short leg stays short or balances
+D adjustment
Confirm with leg lag
PI ilium
Hold PSIS, stabilize on ischial tube closest to you, adjust across table
Pt supine inguinal ligament - arm fossa test, thumb towards head pull inf - check upper, middle, lower
Contact knife edge inguinal rock forward - AP-SI-LM
-D Adjustment
Confirm with trigger points - need 3 - 2 below the waist - AI sacrum
Shove ischial tube up to fix inferiority - knife edge on ischial tube, low fencer stance, I-S,
Pull ilium away to fix anteriority - pick up leg and push ilium away, stand on opp side of table
Supine - bend pt leg foot on table, grab ASIS, first on ischiial tube elbow on table, swich which leg is bent, stabilize above knee, spock aSIS closest to you, torque laterally
Look for -D triggers on short leg side, leg lag on
Long leg side
-D no triggers = posterior rocked ischium
Tight tender gastroc muscle belly
Check rotated sacrum then IN/EX
Posterior Rocked Ischium adjustment
Tight gastroc
Push down on ischial tube, then check legs to double check its a post rocked ischium
Be at head of table knife edge or heel of hand same side
Rock S-I
Rotated sacrum adjustment
Stabilize over S2 Fingers away from midline Pt keep hip on table leg strainght lift slowly as high as you can Which went higher and felt easier Looking for apex rotation Sacrotuberous ligament loose, apex toward it, easier to move that leg Jammed opp SI joint Pick up opp leg over other
Sup hand on S4, medial PSIS on your side standing above or below
Seated lumbar
Sit pt and look at them on same side = more prominent paraspinal muscles and glutes
Straddle table squeeze - contact mammillary on body side
Body R = PL
Contact side of wedge - simple listing
Supine - knees bent - gentle increase pressure until drop
Lateral facet slip
Grab SP opposite facet, set one pisiform in adn pulled fingers crossed other pisi up on palm
L facet slip = PR
Pottinger saucer - 3 segments or more involved
Cross arms, grab inf scap on both side, pt tucks head, breathe in and out, scoop and body drop on crossed arms
IN/EX indicator still short
Flex leg and push to outside, legs balance = IN
Flex leg and push to inside, legs balance = EX
Legs balance check for IN/EX
flex leg and push to outside, legs balance = EX
Flex leg and push to inside, legs balance = IN