Lab 7&8 Muscles Flashcards
Identify muscle and action
Rectus abdominis, flexion of vertebral column
Identify muscle and action
External oblique, rotates trunk of body
Identify muscle and action
External intercostals, elevate ribs during inhalation
Identify muscle and action
Serratus posterior, depress ribs during forced exhalation
Identify muscle and action
Pectoralis major
Flexion, adducts, and medially rotates at shoulder
Identify muscle and action
Pectoralis minor, flexion, adducts, and medially rotates at shoulder
Identify muscle and action
Serratus anterior, protracts shoulder
Identify muscle and action
Trapezius, elevates scapula and clavicle, extends neck
Identify muscle and action
Levator scapulae, elevates scapula
Identify muscles and actions
Romboid major and minor (major is the bigger one), adducts scapula
Identify muscle and action
Deltoid, abducts arm, flexes, and extends shoulder
Identify muscle and action
Supraspinatus, abducts the shoulder
Identify muscle and action
Orbicularis oculi, closes eye in blinking, sleeping, and squinting
Identify muscle and action
Zygomaticus major, draws mouth upward and laterally in laughing
Identify muscle and action
Buccinator, compresses cheek against teeth and gums.
Identify muscle and action
Orbicularis Oris, closes lips and protrudes lips
Identify muscle and action
Sternocleidomastoid, rotation of neck, bilateral action for facing head down
Identify muscles and action
Anterior, middle, and posterior scalenes, unilateral contraction causes ipsilateral flexion of contralateral flexion
Identify muscle and action
Sternohyoid, depressed hyoid after it has been elevated
Identify muscle and action
Infraspinatus, lateral rotation at shoulder
Identify muscle and action
Latissimus dorsi, extension, adduction, and medial rotation at shoulder
Identify muscle and action
Teres major, extension of shoulder
Articular cartilage
Joint capsule or fibrous capsule
Joint cavity filled with synovial fluid
Synovial membrane
Identify (on knee)
Prepatellar bursa
Identify muscle and action (inside shoulder)
Coracobrachialis, adduction and flexion at shoulder
Identify muscle and action
Biceps brachii
Identify muse and action (inside elbow)
Brachialis, flexion at the elbow
With biceps brachii removed, what muscle are we looking at?
Identify muscle and action (posterior forearm)
Brachioradialis,flexion at the elbow
Identify muscle and action (back of shoulder and elbow)
Triceps brachii, extension at the elbow
Identify muscle and action (two on top middle/left)
Extensor Carpi radialis (brevis and longus), wrist extension and abduction
Identify muscle and action
Extensor digitorum, extends wrist
Identify muscle and action (back of forearm)
Extensor Carpi ulnaris, wrist extension and adduction
Identify muscle and action (back of forearm)
Anconeus, extension at the elbow
Identify muscle and action (front of arm)
Palmaris Longus, wrist flexion
Identify muscle and action
Flexor Carpi radialis, wrist flexion and abduction
Identify muscle and action
Pronator teres
Identify muscle and action
Flexor Carpi ulnaris, wrist flexion and adduction
Identify muscle and action
Adductor Magnus, adducts leg
Identify muscle and action
Gracilis, adducts leg
Identify muscle and action
Adductor Longus, adducts leg
Identify muscle and action
Sartorius, knee flexion, hip flexion, abducts hip
Identify muscles and actions
Top, gluteus medius (abduction and medial hip rotation)
Bottom, gluteus maximus (hip extension and lateral rotation)
Identify muscle and action (top marker)
Tensor fasciae latae, flexes hip, medially rotates and abducts hip
Identify muscle and action (anterior view of thigh) (top marker)
Rectus femoris, knee extension
Identify muscle and action (anterior thigh) (left marker)
Vastus medialis, extend leg at the knee
Identify muscle and action (anterior thigh) bottom right marker)
Vastus lateralis, extend leg at the knee
Identify muscle and action (posterior thigh) (green muscle)
Biceps femoris, hip extension or knee flexion
Identify muscle and action (posterior thigh)
Semimembranosus, hip extension or knee flexion
Identify muscle and action (posterior thigh)
Semitendinosus, hip extension or knee flexion
Identify muscle and action
Tibialis anterior, inversion of the foot and dorsiflexion
Identify muscle and action
Peroneus Longus, eversion of the foot
Identify muscle and action (bottom marker)
Extensor digitorum Longus, extension of toes
Identify muscles and actions (top two markers) (calf)
Gastrocnemius and soleus, plantar flexion of foot