Lab# 6 Skeletal system Flashcards
The Axial Skeleton
those bones that lie around the body’s center of gravity
The body’s frame work
Appendicular Skelton
Bones of the limbs and appendages
Articular Cartilages
cover the bone ends at moveable joints ie Hyaline cartilages
Costal Cartilages
Found connecting the ribs to the sternum (breast bone) (Hyaline)
Laryngeal Cartilages
largely constructs the larynx (voice box) (Hyaline)
Tracheal and Bronchial Cartilages
Reinforce other passageways of the respiratory system (Hyaline)
Nasal Cartilages
support the external nose (Hyaline)
Intervertebral discs
Separate and Cushion bones of the spine (vertebrae) (Fibrocartilage’s) also the pubic symphysis
pad like cartilage in knee joint fibrocartilage sandwiched between two layers of Hyaline cartilage
The bones of the head excluding the face
Thoracic cage
Ribs, sternum, vertebrae, costa cartilage
Vertebral column
The series of vertebra that extend from the cranium to the coccyx providing support and forming a flexible bony case for spinal cord
Bones of Pectoral Girdle
Clavicle, Scapula
Upper Limb
humerus, Radius, ulna, Carpals, phalanges, Metacarpals
Bones of Pelvic Girdle
Ilium,Pubis, Ischium
Lower Limb
Femur, Patella, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsals, Talus, Metatarsals, Phalanges, Calcaneus
Hyaline Cartilage
Provides sturdy support with some resilience or give most skeletal cartilages are composed of this
Elastic Cartilages
much more flexible than Hyaline and it tolerates repeated bending
External ear and epiglottis
consists of rows of chondrocytes alternating with rows of thick collagen fibers has great tensile strength and with stands heavy compression found in intervertebral discs and knee joint
compact bone
looks smooth and homogeneous out side surface of all 206 bones
spongy bone or cacellous
is composed of small trabeculae (bars) of bone and lots of open space
Long bones
longer than they are wide have shaft with heads on either end
Short bones
typically cubed shaped contain more spongy bone than compact bone
Flat bones
are generally thin with two wafer like layers of compact bone with spongy bone in between. many flat bones are curved
irregular bones
bones that do not fit into the other classifications Pelvic, vertebrae
sesamoid bones
are special types of short bones formed in tendons the patella is a sesamoid bone
Wormian bones or sutural
are tiny bones between cranial bones not included in the 206
Bone markings
reveal where bones form joint with other bones and where muscle and tendon and ligaments attached and where blood vessels and nerves passed
Processes that grow out from the bone
Cavities that indent the bone
Rounded articular projection joint projection
bony expansion on a narrow neck joint projection
smooth nearly flat articular surface joint projection
Armlike bar of bone joint projection
Narrow ridge of bone ligament/tendon
smaller than crest ligament/tendon
Raised area on or above a condyle ligament/tendon
small rounded projection tendon atachment
large rounded or roughened projection ligament attachment
very large, blunt projection (only on Femur)
sharp, pointed projection
Depression Canal or tube allowed blood vessels or nerves to pass
depression shallow basin allowed for nerves blood vessels
narrow slit like opening allowed for blood and nerves
cavity within a bone filled with air and lined with mucous membranes
Round or oval opening
Foramen Magnum opening at base of skull
Sulcus, Groove or Furrow
a shallow depression
bones that protect the brain
Facial bones
form eye orbit and allow for muscle attachment
has only freely movable joint in skull all other bones attached by sutures