Lab 6: Protists Flashcards
Name the 4 supergroups
- Excavata
- SAR Clade
- Archaeplastida
- Unikonta
What are the subgroups and groups of Excavata?
- Diplomonads
- Eugelnozoans
- Euglenids
- Kinetoplastids
What is a unique feature of diplomonads from the Excavata supergorup?
Modified (highly reduced) mitochondira
What is a unique feature of euglenids and kinetoplastids from the Excavata supergorup?
Spiral/crystalline rod flagella
a) What supergorup, subgroup, and group is this organism?
b) Identify the structure at the end of pointers 1 and 2
a) Excavata, diplomonads
b) 1 = nuclei
2 = flagella
a) What supergorup, subgroup, and group is this organism?
b) Identify the structure at the end of pointers 1, 2 and 3.
a) Excavata, euglenozoans, euglenids
b) 1 = long flagellum
2 = contractile vacuole
3 = pellicle
a) What supergorup, subgroup, and group is this organism?
b) Identify the structure at the end of pointers 1, 2 and 3.
a) Excavata, euglenozoans, kinetoplastids
What are the subgroups and groups of the SAR Clade?
- Stramenopiles
- Diatoms
- Brown Algae
- Gold Algae - Alveolates
- Dinoflagellates
- Apicomplexans
- Ciliates - Rhizarians
- Radiolarians
- Forams
What is a unique feature of stramenopiles?
Hairy and smooth flagella
What is a unique feature of dinoflagellates (from alveolates in the SAR Clade)?
What is a unique feature of rhizarians?
Amoebas with thread-like pseudopodia
a) What supergorup, subgroup, and group is this organism?
b) Identify the structure at the end of pointers 1 and 2
a) SAR Clade, stramenopiles, diatoms
b) 1 = pennales
2 = centrales
a) What supergorup, subgroup, and group is this organism?
b) Identify the structure at the end of pointers 1, 2, 3 and 4.
a) SAR Clade, stramenopiles, brown algae
b) 1 = blade
2 = gad bladder
3 = stipe
4 = holdfast
a) What supergorup, subgroup, and group is this organism?
b) Identify the structure at the end of pointers 1 and 2.
a) SAR Clade, alveolates, dinoflagellates
b) 1 = multiple flagella
2 = nucleus
a) What supergorup, subgroup, and group is this organism?
b) Identify the structure at the end of the pointer.
a) SAR Clade, alveolates, apicomplexans
b) 1 = malarial cell