Lab 5 - Biodiversity II Flashcards
What are the characteristics linking fishes within the superorder Ostaryophysi?
Ostariophysans are a broad and speciose group comprised nearly totally of primary freshwater fishes, making up the largest proportion of freshwater fishes in the world, including N. America and Canada
They are linked by 2 traits:
- WEBERIAN APPARATUS, which is a modification fo the first 4-5 vertebrae into a mechanical connection between the swimbladder and the inner ear for sound transmission i.e. can hear
- fishes of this group possess a fright reaction elicited by an ALARM SUBSTANCE or SCHRECKSTOFF contained in the epidermal club cells. Superorder Ostaryophysi is divided into two groups: I) Series Anotphysi II) Series Otophysi
Milkfish: Class; Subclass; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleosteii Superorder Ostariophysi Order Gonorhynchiformes Family Chanidae
Lack Weberian apparatus but do possess Schreckstoff and reaction to it; deeply forked tail; small and toothless mouth; non-protactule upper jaw; deep and laterally compressed body.
Tropical and subtropical Indian and W. Pacific oceans - NO BC; SW, brackish and occassionally freshwater
What is the Order Cypriniformes characterized by?
Containing, carps, true minnows, suckers, and loaches, Order Cypriniformes are characterized by the following:
- protactile premaxilla
- no teeth on jaws but do have pharyngeal teeth
- adipose absent (with exceptions)
- head almost always scaleless
- 3 brachiostegals
About 3268 species exist with greatest diversity in SE Asia. About 60 species in Canada, with 1/3 of freshwater fishes belonging to Order Cypriniformes.
Cyprinids, (true) minnows, carps, goldfish: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Ostariophysi Order Cypriniformes Family Cyprinidae
Protrusible premaxilla; maxilla excluded fromgape of mouth; no jaw teeth; spine-like rays in dorsal fin in some (carps); almost always without an adipose.
Largest freshwater fish family. Canadian freshwater species – BC; FW, rarely brackish.
Freshwater suckers, redhorses, quillbacks: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Freshwater suckers, redhorses, quillbacks
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleosteii Superorder Ostariophysi Order Cypriniformes Family Catastomidae
Ventral, subterminal, and protrusible mouth almost always with LARGE FLESHY, PAPILLATE LIPS; jaw teeth absent; physostomous swim bladder; no adipose or barbels.
North America, primarily, with exceptions in China and NE Siberia – BC; FW
What are the traits found in Order Characiformes and which fish does this order contain?
Order Characiformes contains charcains i.e. piranhas, teras, pacu, head standers, freshwater hatchet fish, and tiger fish, which exhibit the following traits:
- Mouth not protrusible
- Jaw teeth usually well developed (most carnivorous - often but not always with an adipose fin
Important food, aquarium fishes and sport’s fishes, freshwater found in Africa, South and Central America to the southwest United States.
Pike chacarins or tropical gars: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Pike chacarins or tropical gars
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Ostariophysi Order Characiformes Family Ctenoluciidae
Resemble family Lepisosteidae (gars) and family Esocidae (pike) with respect to morphology and ecology, as a result of convergent evolution; distinguished from Lepisosteidae and Esocidae by having an ADIPOSE FIN.
Panama and South America - NO BC; FW
Pencil fish, toothed headstanders: Class; Sublcass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Pencil fish, toothed headstanders
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Ostariophysi Order Characiformes Family Anostomidae
Small, terminal to slightly supraterminal mouth; often feed head down.
South America - NO BC; FW
Characins: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Class Acintopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleosteii Superorder Ostariophysi Order Characiformes Family Characidae
Typically well-toothed with an adipose fin. Includes dangerous predators (piranhas), seed and fruit eaters and many popular aquarium fish.
Texas south through Mexico, Central and South America - NO BC; FW
Hatchetfishes: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Ostariophysi Order Characiformes Family Gasteropelecidae
Strongly compressed head and deep body with PROTRUDING BONY MUSCULAR BREAST REGION; adipose present in larger species; LARGE WELL DEVELOPED PECTORAL FINS on distinct angle used for making SHORT (true) FLIGHTS in air.
Panama and South America - NO BC; FW
What are the characteristics of the order Siluriformes and which fish does this order contain?
Order Siluriformes contain catfishes which are freshwater and occasionally marine, and whom are characterized by the following traits:
- Normally up to four pairs of chemosensory and tactile barbels around the mouth region
- Adipose fins present, sometimes extremely developed
- Fake spiny, often serrated, rays present as first ray of dorsal and pectoral rays which are fused soft fin rays and NOT TRUE SPINES
- Premaxilla non-protrusible
- Teeth common in haw on vomer and palantines
Only one family exist in North America, but not in Canada – family Ictaluridae.
Northern catfishes, bullheads & matoms: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Northern catfishes, bullheads & matoms
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Ostariophysi Order Siluriformes Family Ictaluridae
Body naked and rotund forward; laterally compressed beyond dorsal fin; head large, flattened, and posessing several pairs of whisker-like barbels; dorsal fin and low pectoral fins with serrate spine; long anal fins; adipose fin present; caudal fin square, forked, or round.
Found in North Americal - introduced in BC including Vancouver Island; FW
Suckermouth armoured catfish: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Suckermouth armoured catfish
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superoder Ostariophysi Order Siluriformes Family Loricariidae
Heavy bony armour; ventral SUCKING mouth with small barbels; adipose fin with spine; often associated with swift flowing streams where their benthic habit and gripping mouth and generally rough surface texture allow them to maintain position.
Panama, South America, North America and Canada - NO BC; FW
Bagrid catfish: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Bagrid catfish
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Ostariophysi Order Siluriformes Family Bagridae
Naked body with variably sized adipose; usually with four pairs of WELL-DEVELOPED LONG BARBELS; size vary.
Africa to Asia including Japan and Borneo - NO BC; FW
Callichthyid armoured catfish: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Callichthyid armoured catfish
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Ostariophysi Order Siluriformes Family Callichthyidae
AIR BREATHERS through the use of vascular hindgut; can move short distances on land; body covered with TWO ROWS of BONY PLATES; 3 PAIRS of BARBELS; adipose fin has spine.
South America and Panama - NO BC; FW
Shark catfish: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Shark catfish
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Ostariophysi Order Siluriformes Famly Pangasiidae
Compressed body; adipose fin present; LONG ANAL FIN; forked caudal fin; mouth nearly terminal; two sets of barbels max.
Southern Asia - NO BC; FW
Walking/air-breathing catfish: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Walking/air-breathing catfish
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Ostariophysi Order Siluriformes Family Clariidae
AIR BREATHING labyrinthic organ arising from gill arches; usually 4 pairs of barbels; dorsal base very long NO SPINE; separate/continuous caudal fin; no adipose.
SW Asia, Syria and Africa - NO BC; FW
Thorny/talking catfishes: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Thorny/talking catfishes
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Ostariophysi Order Siluriformes Family Doradidae
AIR BREATHERS and able to SPEAK using pectoral fins and/or swim bladders; body has a row of lateral boney plates, most with spines; thee pairs of barbels; dorsal and pectorals with well developed serrated spine.
South America - NO BC; FW
What are the general characterisitcs of superorder Protacanthopterygii and what are the 4 orders found within this superorder?
Superorder Protacanthopterygii members share GENERAL PRIMITIVE ACTINOPTERYGIAN traits.
4 orders:
- Esociformes (pikes, pikerals, mudminnows)
- Argentiniformes (marine smelts)
- Osmeriformes (freshwater and anadromous smelts, galaxids)
- Salmoniformes (graylings, whitefish, salmon, charr and trout)
Northern pike (pikes & pickerels): Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Species; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Northern pike (pikes & pickerels)
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Protacanthopterygii Order Esociformes Family Esocidae
Species Esox lucius
Large head, flat duck bill-like snot; well developed teeth on jaws.
Eastern North America and northern hemisphere, widespread in Canada – BC, north and northeast; FW, sometimes brackish
Mudminnows and Alaska blackfish: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Mudminnows and Alaska blackfish
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Protacanthopterygii Order Esociformes Family Umbridae
AIR BREATHER; snout NOT pronounced (vs Esocidae pike); round caudal fin (vs abbreviate heterocercal in Amiidae Amia calva bowfin) ; faint or absent lateral line.
North America and Europe, 2 in Canada - NO BC; FW
What are the characteristics of order Osmeriformes and what family was examined in lab?
Order Osmeriformes is a diverse froup of small mainly freshwater and anadromous fishes including freshwater smelts. Family Osmeridae (smelts) are represeneted here.
Characteristics of order Osmeriformes:
- have adipose fin but
- do not have pelvic axillary process
Smelts, Eulachon spps: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Species; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Smelts, Eulachon spps
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Protacanthopterygii Order Osmeriformes Family Osmeridae
Species Thaleichthys pacificus.
ADIPOSE FIN; elongate body; NO PELVIC AXILLARY PROCESS; mouth often large, maxilla extending past posterior margin of eye
northern hemisphere in Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific; 5/31 species in Canada, 4 native in… BC; SW, anadromous and coastal freshwater
What are the characteristics of order Argentiniformes and what are the 4 families found in Canadian Pacific waters?
Order Argentiniformes, or marine smelts, are deepsea forage fishes with or without adipose fin, with or without photophores, and having a COMPLEX BRANCHIAL STRUCTURE – a CRUMENAL ORGAN.
The 4 Canadian Pacific families (6-7 families) are as follows:
- family Bathylagidae, deepsea or black smelts
- family Argentinidae, Argentines/herring smelts
- family Platyroctidae, tubeshoulders
- family Alepocephailae, slickheads
Deepsea/black smelts: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Deepsea/black smelts
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Protacanthopterygii Order Argentiniformes Family Bathylagidae
Small fish; adipose fin; large eyes.
1 species in Canadian Atlantic waters, 4 species occur in Canadian Pacific – BC; SW
Argentines/herring smelt: Class; Subclass; Subdivision; Superorder; Order; Family; Characteristics; Canadian distribution; FW/SW?
Argentines/herring smelt
Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Subdivision Euteleostei Superorder Protacanthopterygii Order Argentiniformes Family Argentinidae
Adipose fin; small mouth; maxillary and premaxillary without teeth.
Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans with ~23 species 1 species in Canadian Pacific – BC; SW