Lab 5: Basic Techniques for Quatitative assessment of vegetation abundance or importance Flashcards
Most of the methods for quantitative description of vegetation as distinct from flora has been based on one or more of the following prarameters:
- ) Cover
- ) Frequency of Occurrence
- ) Density or numbers of individuals per unit area
- ) Biomass or weight per unit area
Is a list of plant species that occur in a given area where the order of species is related to ease of use. Often the flora for a given area will be arranged in alphabetical order by scientific name. Usually in a design for use.
What information does flora not provide?
Gives no indication of the importance or abundance of the species present.
Is a list of plant species that occur in a given area where the order of species is related to importance or abundance of each species present.
What does it say about a species if it is listed first in a vegetation list?
Is the species that has been assessed to be most abundant or important to the area.
The value for each species can be expressed in one of two ways:
- ) As an absolute value such as density (#of individuals of a species per unit area)
- ) Or a relative value, usually in percent, such as relative density (density of species X/total density for all specieis present)
Selection of a measure of abundace is subjective and is based on….
The goals of the research project or use composite values arrived at summing multiple measures.
What is the most common techique for measuring plant abundance?
Transects: Setting up a series of straight lines, either parallel or perpendicular to one another in the study area. Sample reference fames of known area are then placed along the transects and data is gathered within the frame.
What are the sample reference frames called?
Areal Cover and how is it measured:
The vertical projection of the above-ground parts of each plant onto the ground. In some circumstances it is the leaf projetion that is measured and in other the area at the base of the plant.
Measure the amount of ground covered by individual species and by the whole vegetation.
Why does many ecologists emphasize that cover is of greater ecological significance than density?
Because cover gives a better measure of plant biomass than does the number of individuals.
Leaf Area Index (LAI)-
the ratio between the total leaf area above the soil surface and the soil surface area.
Cover is important and related to-
- Leaf Area Index (LAI)
and - Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)
In a forest community what plants get the most PAR?
The trees have access to all available PAR while the shrubs received only the PAR that has not been absorbed or reflected by the canopy leaves.
relates to the number of times a specieis occurs in a given number of repeatedly placed small sample plots.
Sample plots can be placed in one of two ways:
- Systematically (following a regular pattern)
or - randomly
Is frequency an absolute measurement?
No, it provides an objective assessment but it is a non-absolute measure. Results, therefore have meaning only in relation to a particular frame size and shape selected for a determination. Decrease the qudrat size increase error of frequency
2 types of freqeuncy are used:
- ) Shoot Frequency: obtained by recording as present all foliage overlapping into a quadrat.
- ) Rooted Frequency: which records a specieis being present only when it is actually rooted in the quadrat.
refers to the number of individuals per unit area usually obtained by a simple count of plants in a series of random quadrats.
What are some difficulty with density counting?
- ) recognizing individual species apart from one another
- ) rhizomatous and stoloniferous forms can hardly be counted accuratly.
- ) The marginal effect of the qudrat. If a species lies half in and half out of the boundary whether we count it or not.
refers to the total dry weight of biological material per unit area and is usually obtained by harvesting plants in a series of random quadrats.
Examining additions to and losses from biomass can be used to measure….
energy flow rates in an ecosystem.
What system of rapid cover count did we used?
Braun-Blanquet scale of cover abundance.
Average % Cover =
E mid-points of Braun- Blanquet Classes (or total column)/ Number of quadrays in sample X 100
Braun Blaquett class covers and mid points
5- covers >75% midpoint= 87% 4- Covers 50-75% Mindpoint = 62% 3- Covers 25-50% Mindpoint = 37% 2- Covers 5-25% midpoint= 15% 1- Covers
Line intersect method:
Measure the physical intersection of a species with a line (transect effectively become a long skinny quadrat)
Point intercept method
Drop a series of pins and record the # of pins in contact with each species.
What does line and point method give you and what does it not give you?
Gives you cover or frequency data but not density. Not absolute value only relative!
Why is basswood tightly clumped?
Adaptation to survive fire. Root crowning survives sens up shoots that develop into trees and therefore get clumps. This is an adaptation to deal with disturbances.
Why are hemlocks in straight lines?
Germinate on fallen logs (nurse logs)
Average density=
Total column / number of qudrats
What effect would using larger quadrat have on density values for species?
Increased quadrat size and you increase the #of individuals of a species proportionally AND THEREFORE THE RATIO OF INDIVIDUALS TO AREA remains constant.