Lab 5 Flashcards
Normal Hemoglobin measurement?
18-20 mol/l
Oxygen binding capacity of Hemoglobin is increased by?
- Decreased 2,3 DPG level in RBCs.
- Decreased pCO2 level in the blood (ex. in case of respiratory alkalosis)
- Decreased temperature of blood (hypothermia)
- Increased pH of the blood.
Oxygen binding capacity of Hemoglobin is decreased by?
- Increased 2,3 DPG level in RBCs.
- Increased pCO2 level in the blood (ex. in case of respiratory acidosis)
- Increased temperature of blood (hyperthermia)
- Decreased pH of the blood (acidosis, respiratory or metabolic).
What is oxygen saturation (SAT%)?
The percentage of oxygenated Hemoglobin molecules compared to the whole amount of Hemoglobin molecules in one unit blood.
Normal values of SAT%?
Arterial blood: 95-99%
Venous blood: 80-90%
Hemoglobin molecules containing oxidized iron (3+ form).
Causes of increased hemoglobin concentration?
- Usually associated with different types of relative (dehydration)
- Absolute polycythemia.
Causes of decreased hemoglobin concentration?
- Usually associated with relative (hyperhydration)
- Absolute oligocythemia (anaemia).
Normal RBC count?
4.5-8 x 10^12/IT/l
In order to calculate the indices we must measure?
Ht or PCV (hematocrit, packed cell volume), red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration.
Normal Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) value?
In young animals it (and MCV) can be increased 28-32pg
Decreased Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)?
Increased Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)?
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) indicates the average size of the RBCs, which is?
- Increased: Macrocytic
- Normal: Normocytic
- Decreased: Microcytic
Normal Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) value?
Causes of microcytosis?
- Chronic blood loss
- Iron, copper, pyridoxine (vitamin B6) deficiency.
- Portosystemic shunt
Causes of macrocytosis?
(mostly regenerative anaemia)
- Polycythemia absolute vera (erythroleukemia)
- Vitamin B12, folic acid, cobalt deficiency.
- Erythroleukemias
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) indicates?
The average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes (Hb concentration)
Normal Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)?
300-350g/l (30-35%) - Normochrom
Decreased Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) - hypochromasia?
- Newborn animals
- Regenerative anaemias
- Iron deficiency anamias
Increased Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) - hyperchromasia?
- Erythroleukemia (polycythemia absolute vera)
- Vitamin B12, folic acid, cobalt deficiency
- Immunhemolytic anaemia (spherocytosis)
- Lead poisoning
- Splenectomy
Typical changes in deviated parameters?
- Macrocytic, hypochromic
- Noromocytic, normochromic
- Microcytic, hypochromic
- Microcytic, normochromic
- Macrocytic, normochromic
Macrocytic, hypochromic: Increased MCV, decreased MCHC, (increased reticulocytes)?
Regenerative anaemias
Noromocytic, normochromic: Normal MCV, normal MCHC, normal or decreased MCH?
Non regenerative anaemias
Microcytic, hypochromic: Decreased MCV, decreased MCHC, (decreased Hb synthesis)?
Iron, copper, pyridoxine deficiency anaemias, liver failure, portosystemic shunt.
Microcytic, normochromic: decreased MCV, normal MCHC?
Japanese Akita (normal)
Macrocytic, normochromic: increased MCV, normal MCHC, impaired DNA synthesis?
FeLV infection, vitamin B12, Co or folic acid deficiency, erythroleukemia, poodle macrocytosis
Normal Red Cell Distribution (RDW) values?
Dog: 12-16%
Cat: 14-18%
Normal Platelet Distribution Width (PDW) values?
Dog: 6-8%
Cat: 7-12%
Normal Corrected Reticulocyte Percentage (CRP) values?
<1-2% (without anaemia)
Cause of increased reticulocyte count?
Different types of regenerative anaemia:
- Acute blood loss (approx. 3-5 days are needed for the bone marrow to increase the reticulocyte count in the blood).
- Haemolytic anaemia
- Chronic blood loss
- Nutrient deficiency anaemias.
What is osmotic resistance of RBC dependent on?
- The pH of plasma
- The reagents
- Temperature
- Osmotic concentration of plasma
- Reagents (NaCl concentration)
- RBC membrane status
- Regenerative status (reticulocytes are more resistant)
- HbF (fetal hemoglobin) content of the RBCs (fetal RBCs, containing HbF are more resistant)