lab 4 Flashcards
parietal peritoneum
covers the inner wall of the abdominal, pelvic, and scrotal cavities
visceral peritoneum
covers the organs suspended in these cavities
connecting peritoneum
double sheet of peritoneum that connects the parietal and visceral layers or the visceral layers of adjacent organs, forming peritoneal folds referred to as mesenteries, omenta, or ligaments
connecting peritoneum that attaches the stomch to the body wall or other organs
greater omentum
extended fold of dorsal mesogastrium, attaches the greater curvature of the stomach to the dorsal body wall
lesser omentum
part of the ventral mesogastrium, loosely spans the distance from the lesser curvature of the stomach to the porta of the liver
omental bursa
formed by the omental and the adjacent organs
epiploic foramen
opening into the main peritoneal cavity
originates at the dorsal abdominal wall and the root of the mesentery and extends to the duodenum
duodenocolic fold
ascending duodenum is secondarily attached to the mesocolon of the descending colon by this
attaches to the abdominal wall opposite of the second lumbar vertebra
root of the mesentery
short periotneal attachment
ascending, transverse, and desending mesocolons
connect the ascending, transverse, and descending volons to the dorsal body wall
right triangular ligament
extends from the right crus of the diaphragm above the central tendinous part to the right lateral lobe of the liver
left triangular ligament
extends from the left crus of the diaphragm to the left lateral lobe of the liver
coronary ligament
sheet of peritoneum that passes between the diaphragm and the liver around the caudal vena cava and hepatic veins
falciform ligament
extends from the liver to the diaphragm and ventral abdominal wall to the umbilicus
vagus nerve
carries both sensory and motor axons from and to the viscera
dorsal and ventral branches of vagus nerve
dorsal vagal trunk
dorsal branches unite near the diaphragm
ventral vagal trunk
ventral branches unite caudal to the root of the lung
celiac branch
of dorsal vagal trunk that passes dorsocaudally and contributes to the formaiton of the celiac and cranial mesenteric plexuses
splanchnic nerves
contain sympathetic axons that run between the sympathetic trunk and the abdominal ganglia as well as axons of visceral afferent coursing to the spinal cord
major splanchnic nerve
leaves the sympathetic trunk at the level of the 12th ot 13th thoracic sympathetic ganglion. passes dorsal to the crus of the diaphragm enters the abdominal cavity, and courses to the adrenal and celiacomesenteric ganglia and plexuses
minor splanchnic nerves
generally 2, leaves the last thoracic and lumbar sympatheric ganglia, supply nerves to the adrenal gland, ganglion, and plexus, and terminate in the celiacomesenteric ganglia and plexus
lumbar splanchnic nerves
arise from the 2nd to the 5th lumbar sympathetic ganglia
celic ganglia
lie on the right and left surfaces of the celiac artery close to its origin
cranial mesenteric ganglion
located caudal to the celiac ganglion on the sides and caudal surface of the cranial mesenteric artery, which is partially encircles
celiacomesenteric ganglion and plexus
caudal mesenteric ganglion
located ventral to the aorta around the caudal mesenteric artery
caudal mesenteric plexus
some nerves leaving the ganglion continue along the artery
right and left hypogastric nerves
leave the caudal mesenteric ganglion and course caudally near the ureters
celiac artery
short and arises from the aorta between the cura of the diaphragm - has 3 branches (hepatic, left gastric, splenic)
hepatic artery
- first branch to leave the celiac artery
- courses cranially in the cranial border of the mesoduodenum, which is the caudal boundary of the epiploic foramen
- passes to the liver in the hepatoduodenal ligament
left gastric artery
branches form the celiac and runs in the greater omentum to the lesser curvature of the stomach near the cardia and supplies both surfaces of th stomach
splenic artery
crosses the dorsal surface of the left lobe of the pancreas in the deep leaf of the greater omentum - to which it may supply branches - befcore dividing into dorsal and ventral splenic branches that enter the hilus of the spleen on its visceral surface
cranial mesenteric artery
- leaves the aorta caudal to the celiac artery
- surrounded proximally by the cranial meenteric plexus of nerves and partly by the cranial mesenteric ganglion
renal arteries
- leave the aorta at different levels
- right one arises cranial to the left in conformity with the more cranial position of the right kidney
- it is longer than the left and lies dorsal to the caudal vena cava
ovarian artery
- paired vessel arises from the aorta about 1/2 way between the renal and external iliac arteries
- supply the ovart and its bursa and uterine tube and horn
testicular artery
- leaves the aorta in the midlumbar region and crosses the ventral surface of the ureter
caudal mesenteric artery
- unpaired and arises near the termination of the aorta
- enters the descending mesocolon and runs caudoventrally to the mesenteric border of the desending colon, where it terminates in 2 branches of similar size
portal vein
carrues venous blood to the liver from the abdominal viscera such as the stomach, the SI, cecum, colon, pancreas, and the spleen