Lab 3 - The Brain: Locations/functions Flashcards
Dura mater
retains CSF; cushions and protects the brain
Arachnoid layer:
middle membrane
Pia mater
inner membrane
extension of dura mater in between the cerebrum and cerebellum
Falx cerebri
extension of dura mater between the cerebral hemispheres
Cerebral hemispheres
higher thought, consciousness, memory
Gyri and sulci
convolutions and indentations; serve to increase surface area
Corpus callosum
communication between cerebral hemispheres
Olfactory nerves, bulbs & tracts
sense of smell
Piriform area
memory and olfaction pathways
Optic nerves and chiasm
visual information; partial decussation of info
Infundibulum and tuber cinerum
link between the pituitary and hypothalamus
Hypophysis (pituitary):
secretion of hormones, fluid balance
Mamillary bodies
spatial and recollective memory
Lateral geniculate body
relay visual info from optic tract to visual cortex
Medial geniculate body
hearing relay center
Superior colliculi
visual signals; control of rapid directional movement of eyes and head
Inferior colliculi
auditory pathway
Trochlear nerve
4th cranial nerve; controls eye movement
Oculomotor nerve
3rd cranial nerve: controls eye movement
Ant. & post. Perforated substances
site of blood vessel entry through meninges
motor coordination; balance, fine motor control; proprioreception
medial cerebellum: muscle control of axial body
Anterior peduncle
efferent pathways from cerebellum
Middle peduncle
afferent pathways to cerebellum
Posterior peduncle
afferent pathways to cerebellum; routed to vermis
breathing centers; communication with cerebellum and other areas of brain
Trapezoid body
region of crossover of tracts
Trigeminal nerve
5th cranial nerve; chewing and facial sensations
Abducens nerve
6 th cranial nerve; eye movement
Medulla oblongata
visceral activities; breathing, cardiovascular control (HR and BP)
Choroid plexus
CSF production
Fourth ventricle
formed from outpocketing and folding of brain; contains CSF
Dorsal med., int.& lateral sulci
outline the funiculi
Funiculis gracilis & clava
tracts going to brain; muscle position; fine touch 2 point discrimination
Funiculus cuneatus & tubercle
ascending tracts; muscle position, fine touch, 2 point descrimination
transmission of motor signals
relay center; hearing and balance
Septum pellucidum
separates the lateral ventricles
Fifth ventricle
filled with CSF
Lateral ventricles
primary site of CSF production
links hippocampus with cerebral hemispheres
Anterior commissure
decassation of olfaction and pain information
Third ventricle
filled with CSF
major relay center for sensory info to cerebral hemispheres
thermostat, satiety and thirst centers; sex drive; endocrine control
Pineal body
secretion of melatonin (circadian rhythms)
Aqueduct of Sylvius
flow of CSF between 3rd and 4th ventricles
incoming sensory info to initiate behaviors; learning and memory
Caudate nucleus
cognitive control of motor activity