Lab 2: Exercise physiology Flashcards
How do you calculate HR max?
Explain the Modified Bruce protocol
Every 3 minutes for 9 stages increase the either the grade of the treadmil or the speed
Take the:
* Systolic BP
* Diastolic Pressure
* HR
* RR
* Pulse Ox
The point of this is to assess cardiovascular endurance
What is the MAP used for?
Its the average BP in the arteries throughout the cardiac cycle
* Used to see if organs are getting proper profusion
Which one of these does not icnrease lineraly w/ EX?
* Systolic BP
* Diastolic BP
* HR
* RR
Diastolic BP
NOTE: If pulse ox drops w/ work that indicates a problem somewhere
HR maintains after reaching steady state w/ astrand bike
when doing astrand bike goal is to get them to 70% of HR max and stabilize there
Goal is in that warm up in the clinic you can start them out on a bike to warm up and the goal of that would be to get them into that steady state before they start doing other exercises
Step Test
* How do you measure it?
* How is the test run
Mid way point between the patella and iliac crest and mark on wall
Count the # of steps completed in 2 minutes, raising each knee to a point midway between the patella and iliac crest (line you marked)
Score is the # of times the right knee reaches the target
Using a chair, table, or wall to aid in balance is allowed
Higher step counts are associated w/ a higher level of functional fitness
What is the systolic BP response to dynamic exercise?
Increases much more thandiastolic