Lab #2 - Epithelial Tissue Flashcards
Which cut divides left and right sides?
Which cut divides superior and inferior?
Which cut divides anterior and posterior?
FRontal (Coronal)
Define Superficial:
CLoser to the surface.
DEfine Deep:
Away from the surface
What defines epithelial tissue?
A group of cells that covers all body surfaces.
One side is open to the inside.
SinlgWhat is Simple Epithelial tissue?
Single layer of cells
What is Stratisfied Epithelial tissue?
Layer of cells with serveral layers.
What is Squamous Epithelial tissue?
Flattened or irreguarly shaped cells.
What is Cuboidal Epithelial tissue?
Cube shaped cells in which height and width are equal.
What is Columnar Epithelial tissue?
Column shaped cells.
What is Psuedostratisfied Epithelial tissue?
Cells which appear multilayered/stratisfied, but is not.
type of tissue
Single layer of cells
SinlgWhat is Simple Epithelial tissue?
type of tissue
Layer of cells with serveral layers.
What is Stratisfied Epithelial tissue?
type of tissue
Flattened or irreguarly shaped cells.
What is Squamous Epithelial tissue?
type of tissue
Cube shaped cells in which height and width are equal.
What is Cuboidal Epithelial tissue?
type of tissue
Column shaped cells.
What is Columnar Epithelial tissue?
type of tissue
Cells which appear multilayered/stratisfied, but is not.
What is Psuedostratisfied Epithelial tissue?
~Errector Pili Muscle
~Sebaceous gland
~Dermal Papillae


What are melanocytes?
melanin-producing cells located in the bottom layer (the stratum basale) of the skin’s epidermis.
Their thickness determines the darkness of the skin,
What is the difference between eccrine gland and sebaceous gland?
Eccrine is coiled and destributes sweat to the surface.
Sebaceous is pear shaped, located on the follicle and supplies oil to the hair.
What is the difference between Meissner’s corpuscle and Pacinian corpuscle?
Meissner’s (Tactile) is in the top of the dermis and is responsible for very sensitive touch
Pacinian (Lamellated) is in the subcutaneous layer and is responsible for sensing deeper pressures.