Lab #11 Flashcards
Restriction Endonucleases
Enzymes that cut DNA at specific sequences (restriction sites)
–> Cut DNA at internal (endo-) positions
What do all recognition sequences for each restriction enzyme have in common?
They are all PALINDROMES
–> Complementary strands are the same (read the same 5’ to 3’)
What is a recognition sequence?
A short DNA sequence that is recognized by a restriction enzyme or DNA-binding protein
–> Once recognized, it leads to the binding of the enzyme/protein to the DNA
What is a restriction site?
A specific sequence of nucleotides in a DNA molecule that restriction enzymes recognize and cleave
What are the different types of cuts that restriction enzymes can make?
What types of fragments do they produce?
1) Blunt cut = Blunt-ends
2) Staggered cut = Sticky-ends: each fragment has an overhang
What are Sticky Ends?
Single-stranded overhangs on cut fragments, which are complementary to each other
Single-stranded overhangs are referred to by…
The free end of the overhanging strand
–> 5’ overhang or 3’ overhang
Which chromosome were we amplifying DNA from?
Chromosome 6
How big was the region of DNA we were amplifying
227 base pairs
derived Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (dCAPS) Assay
A slightly altered CAPS technique to also detect SNPs!
POTENTIALLY introduces a restriction site at an SNP site using specific primers that contain mismatches to the template DNA
–> Then analyzes the fragmentation of DNA to determine sequence (by observing whether or not the DNA was cut and therefore whether or not the restriction site was formed!)
Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (CAPS)
A technique to detect SNPs!
–> Introduces DNA segment to restriction enzyme and then analyzes if fragmentation occurs or not
–> Gene sequence can therefore be determined based upon whether cutting occurs or not!
CAPS = detects polymorphisms in already present restriction sites!
dCAPS = detects polymorphisms by INTRODUCING a restriction site (where there wasn’t one previously)
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism
= A variation in DNA that occurs when a single nucleotide is different from the reference sequence
What is different about PCR primers in dCAPs assay?
The primers contain a MISMATCH to the template DNA!
Site-directed mutagenesis
A technique that alters the nucleotide sequence of a gene at a specific location
What effect does the primer mismatch have on the DNA during PCR?
Causes site-directed mutagenesis
–> Changes the nucleotide sequence during the amplification of the DNA region of interest