Lab 1: Eye Exam and Selected Conditions Flashcards
What is Leukocoria in the eye and may indicate what?
- White reflex
- Serious pathology, most commonly = congenital cataracts
- May also indicate RB, retinal detachment, or others…
Differentiate exotropia vs. esotropia vs. hypotropia vs. hypertopia of the eyes.
- Exotropia = lateral straibismus
- Esotropia = medial straibismus
- Hypotropia = caudad strabismus
- Hypertropia = cephalad strabismus
What is the cover/uncover test of the eyes used to identify?
- Weakness of EOM
- Eyes should remain synchronous; watch for drift as eye is uncovered
How does Hering’s Law apply to 1’ and 2’ deviation of the eye in a LR palsy?
2’ deviation is greater than 1’ deviation
Anisocoria refers to?
Unequal size of pupils
Fluorescein stain of eye is used to identify what type of defect?
Performed after what?
- Epithelial defect
- Only AFTER complete screening exam: acuity, EOM, etc
What is Pterygium of eye and is due to what?
Benign growth of fibroblastic tissue on eye due to chronic UV exposure
Most common bacteria responsible for conjunctivitis in adults?
S. aureus
3 most common bacteria(s) responsible for conjunctivitis in children?
- S. pneumoniae
- H. influenzae
- M. catarrhalis
A patient complaining of gritty or sandy feeling of eye(s), that started in one eye, but now is in both and is associated with a clear discharge is most likely what?
Viral conjunctivitis (most often Adenovirus)
Bilateral redness, watery discharge and itching of the eyes is most likely what?
Allergic conjunctivitis
Acute painful inflammation of the eyelid margins or the Meibomian glands is known as?
Hordeolum (Stye)
Hordeolum (styes) are more common on which eyelid?
Lower eyelid
Painless, rubbery, nodular lesion caused by a Meibomian tear gland obstruction is known as what?
Chalazion’s are more common on what eyelid?