Lab 1: Breath sounds, resp patterns Flashcards
N tracheal
- ou: face ant tranché, above sternal notch
- son: very loud
N bronchial
- ou: over manubrium
- son: very loud
N broncho-vesicular
- ou: 2nd intercostal space on either side of sternum
- son: not as loud as trach or bronch
N vesicular
- ou: under 2nd rib
- son: quite, like wind through trees
A bronchial
abnormal if this sound is heard anywhere other than over the manubrium
Low pitched wheeze
Râle bronchique/respiration sifflante ronchus/sibilants
- exp only
- cause: mild bronchospasm, obstruction of airways due to inflammation or secretions
- son: deflating balloon slowly through pinched opening
High pitched wheeze
Râle bronchique/respiration sifflante sifflement
- exp and insp
- cause: severe bronchospasm
- son: deflating balloon slowly through pinched opening
- may be loud enough to hear w/out stethoscope
Fine crackle
Râle parenchymateux/craquement crépitants fin
- opening of atelectatic alveoli
- end of insp
- cause: alveoli opening up
- son: soft/quiet and brief, rice crispies-like
Coarse crackle
Râle parenchymateux/craquement sous crépitants/crépitants rudes
- insp and exp
- cause: air trying to travel through secretions
- son: much louder than fine crackle
- may disappear or decrease after Tx and pt coughs out secretions, or a change in position and secretion moves
Pleural rub
- end of insp, beginning of exp
- where: 7th rib
- cause: rubbing of pleural sheets (visceral and parietal) against each other due to inflammation
- son: crackle, rubber rubbing against each other
- cause: obstructed (chocking on something) or constricted (allergic reaction) trachea
- son: very loud high-pitched when person is breathing
- can be heard without stethoscope
- absence de resp
- sleep apnea
- RP: cycles d’apnée (10-60sec) –> volumes et taux resp qui augmentent et diminuent progressivement
- causes:
1. conditions causant une hernie rostro-caudale du tissus cérébral à travers le tentorium (subdural or cerebral hematoma, tumour, abscess)
2. masses ou lésions destructives inf au tentorium (ex. hémorragie du pont, infarctus diencéphalique, tumeur)
3. désordres métaboliques qui cause diminution généralisée de la fonction (ex. hypoglycémie sévère)
Normal RP
regular and comfortable
RP: bradypnea
RP: trachypnea
> 20/min
RP: hyperpnea
> 20/min, deep breathing
RP: sighing
frequently scattered/interspersed deeper breaths
RP: air trapping
increasing difficulty in getting air out
RP: Cheyne-stokes
varying periods of increasing depth interspersed with apnea
RP: Kussmaul’s
rapid, deep, labored breaths
RP: Biot’s
irregular interspersed periods of apnea in a disorganized sequence of breaths
RP: ataxic
significant disorganization with irregular and varying depths of respiration
Patron paradoxal
mécanisme inverse du mécanisme normal:
- insp: cage thoracique sort
- exp: abdomen sort