Lab 1-5 - Dorsum of Foot Flashcards
what forms the medial marginal vein?
medial dorsal digital vein of the great toe
dorsal venous arch
where does the great saphenous vein begin?
anterior to the medial malleolus
what forms the lateral marginal vein?
lateral dorsal digital vein of the fifth toe
dorsal venous arch
where does the lateral marginal vein become the small saphenous vein?
inferior to the lateral malleolus
how many dorsal metatarsal veins are there?
4 - located in metatarsal spaces
where do the dorsal metatarsal veins terminate?
dorsal venous arch
what is the origin of the dorsal metatarsal veins?
dorsal digital veins of the toes
the saphenous nerve branches from what nerve?
the saphenous nerve is a sensory branch of the femoral nerve
what follows the great saphenous vein in the leg along the lateral side?
spahenous n
what n. follows the small saphenous v. in the leg?
sural n.
what do you call the continuation of the sural n. on the lateral side of the foot?
lateral dorsal cutaneous n. of the foot
what is the name of the n. on the lateral side of the 5th toe and from what n. does it originate?
10th dorsal digital n.
originates from the lateral dorsal cutaneous n. of the foot
On occassion the lateral dorsal cutaneous n. will give rise to or anastomose with what n. ?
intermediate dorsal cutaneous n.
what n. is located on the anterior surface of ankle joint?
superficial peroneal n.
what are the terminal branches of the superficial peroneal n.?
medial dorsal cutaneous n.
intermediate dorsal cutaneous n.
the medial terminal branch of the deep peroneal communicates with what nerves?
saphenous n. and medial terminal branch of the deep peroneal
what does the medial dorsal cutaneous nerve of the foot give rise to?
1st dorsal digital n.
1st common dorsal digital n.
how many dorsal digital branches does the medial dorsal cutaneous n. give rise to? common dorsal digital branches?
what innervates the medial side of the great toe?
1st dorsal digital nerve
what nerve do the 4th and 5th dorsal digital nerves come from?
1st common dorsal digital
the space between toes two and three is innervated by what nerves?
4th and 5th dorsal digital nn.
what does the intermediate dorsal cutaneous n. divide into?
2nd and 3rd common dorsal digital nn.
what n. is associated with intermetatarsal space 3?
2nd common dorsal digital n.
what n. is associated with intermetatarsal space 4?
3rd common dorsal digital n.